What is the difference between being
Selfish & Self Love
So I thought of sharing it here with a simple example – tell me if it made sense !
So if you have 1 Roti/ chapati/ bread with you & you & your husband both are hungry !
Eating the whole roti alone is being * Selfish*
Giving the whole roti to your husband is * Stupid oops Selfless
Dividing the roti into half & keeping one half for yourself & giving the other half to your partner is * SELF – LOVE*
Our mothers never exercised Self Love as that’s what they learnt from their mothers & they from their mothers !
You & I learnt the same from ours dint we ??
Do you remember your mom making a choice of restaurant ? Or a movie to go to ? Or what colour car will your family buy ?
Mine dint !!
I dint even know for a very long time what her favourite cuisine was ? Did you ?
Self -love is knowing what you like ; dislike & expressing it joyfully !!
Expecting everything to happen your way is being Selfish !
Expressing what you want ; prioritizing yourself is Self Love !
Say your husband comes late every day from work ; now you have to sleep early as you have early workout !
What will you do ? What is being Selfish ; Selfless or self-love in this case !!!