Heavy periods

Periods are nothing but the menstrual cycles in a woman. Now these periods can be in two different types: Heavy periods and Light periods. Heavy periods involve excessive bleeding and may need to replace their pads or tampons every hour for several hours.
Light periods are known for reduced flow of bleeding or shorter duration. There are many other types like irregular periods, painful periods or absent periods. However, now we are going to discuss about heavy periods; its causes and whether drinking water helps to stop heavy periods or not.


Reasons for Heavy periods:

Heavy periods are also called menorrhagia. There are various factors that causes heavy periods let’s see a few of them.


  1. Hormonal imbalances: Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can cause the uterine lining to develop excessively, resulting in severe bleeding during periods.
  2. Uterine fibroids: These are also known as myomas are growths that appear in the uterus. Non–cancerous growths in the uterus can cause heavy periods.
  3. Adenomyosis: This disorder develops when the endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus, expands into the muscular walls of the uterus, resulting in heavier and more uncomfortable periods.
  4. Intrauterine devices: These are one form of birth control which is inserted into the uterus. Some IUD’s may reduce the bleeding while others may cause heavy periods as a side effect.
  5. Pelvic inflammatory diseases: Infections in the reproductive organs may lead to heavy and painful periods.
  6. Polyps: Uterine polyps means growths attached to the inner wall of the uterus that expands into the uterus. These growths on the uterine lining can lead to heavy menstrual bleeding. heavy periods
  7. Blood clotting disorder: Certain blood clotting disorders may also result in heavy periods leading to excessive bleeding due to impaired blood clotting during menstruation.
  8. Medication: Heavy menstrual bleeding may be caused by some drugs, including anticoagulants and hormone therapies.
  9. Underlying medical condition: Heavy periods may be a symptom of underlying diseases including thyroid problems or bleeding disorders (such as von Willebrand disease).
  10. Kidney or liver disease: Blood clotting factors can be affected by liver or kidney disease, which can also lead to significant bleeding.
  11. Obesity: Excess body fat may raise estrogen levels, which could result in heavier periods.
  12.  Intrauterine adhesions: Uterine scarring may cause painful and protracted menstrual cycles.
  13. Stress: Prolonged stress might interfere with the production of hormones, resulting in heavy menstrual bleeding.
  14. Ectopic pregnancy: A pregnancy that occurs outside of the uterus might result in irregular bleeding.
  15. Miscarriage: During the menstrual cycle, a miscarriage may result in significant bleeding.
  16. Perimenopause: Hormone changes that occur during perimenopause might result in heavy and erratic menstrual bleeding.


How does drinking water control Heavy periods?

Drinking water alone cannot help to stop or control heavy periods. However, it will keep the body hydrated which is vital for overall health and can help manage menstrual symptoms, including heavy periods. Heavy bleeding causes the body to lose a lot of water as well as blood and iron. Therefore, staying hydrated is beneficial in both cases.

  1. Hormonal balances: Water affects hormone production and control, which can have an indirect effect on the menstrual cycle. So drinking water and staying hydrated, may help to balance the hormones which are one of the reasons for heavy bleeding.
  2. Water and Uterine contractions: Dehydration can make uterine contractions stronger, which could result in heavier periods. Water consumption can mitigate these effects.
  3. Water and bloating: Getting adequate water helps to reduce menstrual bloating and in managing heavy menstruation in a simpler way.
  4. Preventing constipation: Constipation can be avoided by drinking enough water, which may relieve pressure on the pelvic region during menstruation and potentially minimize heavy bleeding.
  5. Anaemia prevention: Heavy bleeding can result in iron loss and anaemia. Staying hydrated can help.
  6. Body temperature control:  Maintaining a healthy level of water lowers the probability of menstruation symptoms including cramping and heavy bleeding.
  7. Blood flow and hydration: Keeping hydrated promotes healthy blood flow, even during menstruation, which may help control the intensity of menstrual flow.
  8. Supporting kidney function: Adequate hydration helps the kidneys work properly, enabling the body to get rid of waste and extra fluids that could affect the menstrual cycle.
  9. Avoiding diuretics: Drinking water can help you avoid using diuretics, which can increase dehydration and interfere with menstrual flow.
  10. Alleviating menstrual discomfort: Drinking water can help relieve the general discomfort associated with periods, making it easier to cope with heavy menstrual flow.
  11. Function of the Endocrine System: Water aids in the function of the endocrine system, which regulates menstruation.
  12. Blood Sugar Stabilization: Proper hydration aids in the stabilization of blood sugar levels, which can have an impact on menstrual health.
  13. Increasing Energy Levels: Adequate hydration helps to maintain overall energy levels by reducing weariness during periods.
  14. Regular Menstrual Cycle Support: Adequate water consumption may aid in the maintenance of a normal menstrual cycle by maintaining hormonal balance.
  15. Getting Rid of Dizziness and Lightheadedness: Water can help prevent dizziness or lightheadedness induced by excessive blood loss.
  16. Complementing other treatments: Water is helpful, but managing heavy periods should involve a comprehensive strategy that also includes seeking the best strategy for other natural ways to control heavy periods.

Apart from drinking water, there are few other natural means to control heavy periods. We know that hormonal imbalances are one of the reasons for heavy periods so maintaining a perfect hormonal balance aids to reduce heavy periods. This can be possible by the 5 pillars which help to maintain hormonal balances. The 5 pillars are Eat right, Move more, Breath aware, Sleep better and Mind free.

  • Eat right: Eating right means adapting to healthy food habits which include fiber and water-rich foods. Fibre and water are rich in leafy vegetables and mostly natural products. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honour nature’s wisdom. Increase consumption of this type of food can improve insulin sensitivity and digestion. Avoid fried and processed foods as they increase inflammation and blood sugar levels which affect hormonal balances.
  • heavy periodsMove more: Embracing continual activity throughout the day promotes epigenetic expression, kindling hormonal equilibrium. Engage in enjoyable exercises, such as dancing or yoga, to harness the power of epigenetic triggers. Maintaining a healthy weight through physical exercise can aid in balancing the hormones.
  • Breath aware: We unlock a crucial doorway to enhance glandular function and hormone balance as we get a greater understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath. By utilizing the breath’s epigenetic effects, we transcend the ordinary and enhance our hormonal health.
  • Sleep better: Hormonal imbalances can be brought on by sleep deprivation and/or poor sleep quality, which can aggravate insulin resistance. Hence having quality sleep helps in managing the hormones. One can adopt the practice of Yognidra which helps to have quality sleep thereby balancing the hormones.
  • Mind free: Actually, clearing your mind can help you feel less stressed. Explore the world of feelings, thoughts, and stress resilience; here, gratitude, journaling, and emotional practices serve as our moral compass. We may change our stress-to-calm narrative and boost our hormonal landscape by embracing epigenetic intelligence.


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