8 Ways to Maintain Breasts Health With PCOS

Hairy Nipples

Breasts are a pair of glands on the upper front of the human chest, typically in females but also present in males to a lesser extent. They are a prominent part of the female secondary sexual characteristics and play a key role in reproduction and breastfeeding.

Breasts are composed of glandular tissue and fatty tissue. The glandular tissue contains milk-producing structures called lobules, which are connected to milk ducts. During pregnancy and lactation, these lobules produce milk, which is then transported through the ducts to the nipple, where it can be released for breastfeeding.


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that primarily affects individuals of reproductive age, particularly women. It is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) in the body. PCOS can lead to a range of health issues, including fertility problems, insulin resistance, weight gain, and an increased risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The exact cause of PCOS is not fully understood but is believed to involve a combination of genetic, hormonal, and lifestyle factors.




Does PCOS Really Affect Your Breasts?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) primarily affects the ovaries and is characterized by hormonal imbalances, irregular menstrual cycles, and the development of small cysts on the ovaries. While PCOS does not directly impact breast tissue, it can indirectly affect the breasts and their appearance through hormonal changes and other related factors. Here are a few ways PCOS can affect breasts:

  • Hormonal changes: PCOS often leads to imbalances in hormones, including elevated levels of androgens (such as testosterone). These hormonal imbalances can influence various aspects of a person’s body, including breast tissue.

  • Breast tenderness: Some individuals with PCOS may experience breast tenderness or discomfort as a result of hormonal fluctuations. This can make the breasts more sensitive and may cause discomfort during the menstrual cycle.

  • Changes in breast size: Hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS can sometimes lead to changes in body composition, including increased fat deposition in certain areas, including the breasts. Some individuals with PCOS may experience changes in breast size, including enlargement.

  • Risk of fibrocystic breast changes: PCOS is associated with an increased risk of certain health conditions, including metabolic disorders and, in some cases, fibrocystic breast changes. Fibrocystic breasts can cause lumps or areas of breast tissue that feel dense or rubbery, although they are usually benign.

  • Impact on fertility and breastfeeding: PCOS can affect a person’s ability to conceive and may also influence breastfeeding. Irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS can make it more challenging for some individuals to become pregnant. Additionally, some women with PCOS may experience difficulties with lactation when breastfeeding due to hormonal irregularities.


Does PCOS Always Negatively Impact Breasts?

No! It is important to note that the effects of PCOS on breast tissue can vary widely among individuals. Not everyone with PCOS will experience noticeable changes in their breasts, and the impact of PCOS on breast health is usually not the primary concern when diagnosing or managing this condition. 



How To Maintain Good Breasts Health with PCOS?

Taking good care of breast health with PCOS involves a combination of maintaining overall health, managing hormonal imbalances, and monitoring your breast health regularly. Here are some natural ways to support breast health while managing PCOS:

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet: Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This can help regulate insulin levels, which can be a concern for individuals with PCOS.

  • Exercise regularly: Engage in regular physical activity to help manage weight and improve overall health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, as recommended by health guidelines.
  • Maintain Stress Levels: Chronic stress can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Practicing stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness can be beneficial.

  • Maintain a healthy weight: Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight can help regulate hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS. If you are overweight, even a modest weight loss can have a positive impact on your PCOS symptoms and overall health.

  • Manage insulin resistance: Some individuals with PCOS have insulin resistance, which can contribute to hormonal imbalances. Your healthcare provider may recommend dietary changes or medications to help manage insulin resistance.

  • Regular breast self-exams: Perform monthly breast self-exams to monitor for any changes in your breast tissue. Look for lumps, changes in size or shape, skin changes, nipple discharge, or any other abnormalities. 

  • Limit alcohol: Limit alcohol consumption, as excessive alcohol intake can increase the risk of breast cancer.

  • Avoid smoking: Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke, as smoking is a known risk factor for various health issues, including breast cancer.


The ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalance related to PCOS that may on some level lead to problems with breasts are:

  • Food Related Causes– Inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance.
  • Exercise Related Causes: Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat.
  • Sleep Related Causes: Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep).
  • Stress Related Causes: Chronic Stress.  Addressing these triggers through an integrated approach can naturally restore hormonal balance.


How can the Five Pillars Integrated Lifestyle Approach Help You to Have Hormonal Balance and Help With Taking Care of Your Breasts?


  • Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.


  • Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.


  • Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.


  • Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra to avoid being sleep deprived, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock to stop feeling sleep deprived.


  • Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.



Organs Affected by Uric Acid Levels? 3 Natural Ways to Handle It

Uric acid affects the joints, but it can also have an impact on other organs and systems in the body. When uric acid levels in the blood become elevated, a condition known as hyperuricemia, it can lead to the formation of urate crystals in various tissues.


What is Uric Acid?

Uric acid is a chemical compound that is produced as a result of the metabolic breakdown of purines, which are naturally occurring substances found in certain foods and body tissues. Purines are an essential component of DNA and RNA, and they are also present in many foods, particularly in meat, seafood, and some types of vegetables.

The body typically excretes uric acid through the kidneys in the form of urine. However, when there is an excessive production of uric acid or if the kidneys do not effectively remove it from the bloodstream, uric acid levels can become elevated in the body. This condition is known as hyperuricemia.

High levels of uric acid can lead to the formation of urate crystals, which can accumulate in joints, leading to a painful condition known as gout. Gout is characterized by sudden and severe joint pain, swelling, redness, and inflammation, often affecting the big toe but also other joints and several other organs.

Elevated uric acid levels are also associated with the development of kidney stones and, in some cases, may contribute to other health conditions like kidney disease and hypertension. Management of uric acid levels often involves dietary changes, organ problems, lifestyle modifications, and, in some cases, medications to reduce uric acid production or improve its excretion by the kidneys.


Which Organs are Affected by Uric Acid Levels?

The most commonly affected organs of the body include:

  • Joints: The most well-known consequence of elevated uric acid levels is gout, a type of arthritis that occurs when urate crystals accumulate in the joints, leading to sudden and severe joint pain, redness, swelling, and inflammation. Gout most commonly affects the big toe but can also affect other joints like the ankles, knees, wrists, and fingers.

  • Kidneys: Uric acid can form kidney stones when it crystallizes and accumulates in the kidneys. These stones can cause significant pain and can potentially lead to kidney damage or blockage of the urinary tract.

  • Skin: Uric acid crystals can sometimes deposit in the skin, leading to the development of small, hard nodules called tophi. Tophi are typically painless but can be disfiguring and are a sign of uncontrolled gout.

  • Heart: Elevated uric acid levels have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including conditions like hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary artery disease, and heart attacks.

  • Blood vessels: Uric acid may contribute to inflammation in blood vessels, which can increase the risk of conditions like atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and may contribute to other cardiovascular problems.

  • Central Nervous System: Some studies suggest that high levels of uric acid might be associated with an increased risk of neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease.

  • Metabolic Syndrome: Elevated uric acid levels have been linked to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

It is important to note that not everyone with high uric acid levels will develop these complications, and some individuals may have elevated uric acid levels without experiencing any symptoms or health issues. However, managing uric acid levels through diet, lifestyle changes, and medications, when necessary, is important for preventing these potential organ and health-related problems, especially if you have a history of gout or other risk factors.

food good for organs

3 Natural Ways to Take Care of Organs Affected by Uric Acid:

Taking care of organs affected by uric acid involves managing uric acid levels, reducing inflammation, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. Here are some natural ways to help protect and support your organs:

  1. Diet:

    • Limit purine-rich foods: Purines are compounds that can lead to increased uric acid production. Reduce your intake of purine-rich foods such as organ meats, red meat, seafood (particularly shellfish), and certain types of beans.
    • Increase water intake: Staying well-hydrated can help flush excess uric acid from your system. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
    • Eat more fruits and vegetables: These foods are generally low in purines and can provide antioxidants that reduce inflammation. Cherries, in particular, have been associated with lower uric acid levels which benefits the organs.
    • Consume low-fat dairy: Low-fat dairy products like milk and yogurt may help lower uric acid levels and keep the organs healthy.
  2. Lifestyle modifications:

    • Maintain a healthy weight: Obesity is a risk factor for gout and elevated uric acid levels. Losing weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise can be beneficial for the internal as well as external  organs.
    • Limit alcohol: Alcohol, especially beer and liquor, can increase uric acid levels. Moderation or abstaining from alcohol is advisable.
    • Avoid sugary beverages: High-fructose corn syrup, found in many sugary drinks, has been linked to higher uric acid levels. Opt for water or herbal tea instead.
    • Exercise regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight and improve overall metabolic health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week.
    • Manage stress: Chronic stress can contribute to inflammation and potentially exacerbate gout symptoms. Incorporate stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises into your routine and keep your organs healthy.
  3. Herbal remedies:

    • Some herbs and supplements may help reduce inflammation and support organ health which makes the organs of the body really strong and helps them deal with uric acid levels better.


How is PCOS Linked with Uric Acid?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and uric acid levels can be related, as some individuals with PCOS may have an increased risk of developing elevated uric acid levels (hyperuricemia) which impacts organs. However, the relationship between PCOS and uric acid is complex and not fully understood. Here are some key points to consider regarding PCOS and uric acid:

  • Insulin Resistance: Many individuals with PCOS experience insulin resistance, a condition where the body’s cells do not respond effectively to insulin. Insulin resistance can lead to higher levels of insulin in the blood, and this may affect uric acid metabolism. Elevated insulin levels can reduce the excretion of uric acid by the kidneys, potentially leading to hyperuricemia.

  • Obesity: PCOS is often associated with obesity, and excess body weight is a risk factor for both PCOS and hyperuricemia. Obesity can contribute to insulin resistance and may also lead to the accumulation of uric acid.

  • Inflammation: PCOS is characterized by chronic inflammation, and inflammation can increase uric acid production. Elevated uric acid levels have been associated with inflammation in various studies.

  • Hormonal Imbalance: Hormonal imbalances, particularly elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) in PCOS, may also play a role in uric acid regulation.



The ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalance related to PCOS that may on some level lead to problems with uric acid levels and maintaining good health of your organs are:

  • Food Related Causes– Inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance.
  • Exercise Related Causes: Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat.
  • Sleep Related Causes: Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep).
  • Stress Related Causes: Chronic Stress.  Addressing these triggers through an integrated approach can naturally restore hormonal balance.


How can the Five Pillars Integrated Lifestyle Approach Help You to Have Hormonal Balance and Help With Taking Care of Your Organs?


  • Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.


  • Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.


  • Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.


  • Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra to avoid being sleep deprived, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock to stop feeling sleep deprived.


  • Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


How Does Fatty Liver Impact High Uric Acid?


What is High Uric Acid?

High uric acid is a condition known as hyperuricemia, occurs when there is an abnormally elevated level of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid is a waste product that forms when the body breaks down purines, which are substances found in certain foods and naturally occurring in the body’s cells. Normally, uric acid is dissolved in the blood and excreted from the body through urine. However, when the body produces too much uric acid or when the kidneys are unable to efficiently remove it, the uric acid levels in the blood can become too high.

High uric acid levels can lead to several health issues, including:

  • Gout: Gout is a type of arthritis that results from the crystallization of uric acid in the joints, leading to sudden and severe joint pain, swelling, and redness.
  • Kidney Stones: Uric acid crystals can also form kidney stones, which can be painful when they pass through the urinary tract.
  • Kidney Disease: Prolonged high uric acid levels can contribute to kidney damage and the development of chronic kidney disease.
  • Hypertension: There is some evidence to suggest that elevated uric acid levels may be associated with high blood pressure (hypertension).
  • Cardiovascular Disease: High uric acid levels may be a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, though the relationship is complex and not fully understood.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: Hyperuricemia is sometimes associated with metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes.

Risk factors for high uric acid levels include a diet high in purine-rich foods (such as red meat, organ meats, and certain seafood), excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, genetics, and certain medical conditions (e.g., kidney disease, some cancers).



What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that primarily affects individuals of reproductive age, particularly women. It is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) in the body. PCOS can lead to a range of health issues, including fertility problems, insulin resistance, weight gain, and an increased risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The exact cause of PCOS is not fully understood but is believed to involve a combination of genetic, hormonal, and lifestyle factors.


How Does PCOS Cause High Uric Acid Levels?

While PCOS itself doesn’t directly cause high uric acid levels, there are several ways in which PCOS can contribute to or be associated with hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels):

  • Insulin Resistance: Many individuals with PCOS experience insulin resistance, a condition in which the body’s cells don’t respond effectively to insulin. Insulin resistance can lead to higher insulin levels in the blood. Elevated insulin levels, in turn, can increase uric acid production in the body and reduce its excretion by the kidneys, contributing to higher uric acid levels.
  • Obesity: PCOS is often associated with obesity, and excess body fat can further exacerbate insulin resistance. Obesity can also increase the risk of hyperuricemia as fat cells produce substances that promote the production of uric acid.
  • Dietary Choices: Some individuals with PCOS may have dietary habits that contribute to higher uric acid levels. For example, consuming a diet high in purine-rich foods, which are known to increase uric acid production, can be common among individuals with PCOS.
  • Inflammation: PCOS can lead to chronic low-grade inflammation in the body, and inflammation has been linked to higher uric acid levels. Inflammation can affect the way the body processes and eliminates uric acid.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: PCOS is characterized by hormonal imbalances, including elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) and insulin. These hormonal imbalances can affect various metabolic processes in the body, including uric acid metabolism.

Does Fatty Liver Cause High Uric Acid?

Fatty liver and high uric acid levels are two distinct medical conditions, and one does not directly cause the other. However, there can be some indirect connections between fatty liver and high uric acid levels, as both conditions are associated with metabolic disorders and lifestyle factors:

  • Metabolic Syndrome: Fatty liver is often linked to metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome can include components like obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and abnormal lipid profiles. Hyperuricemia is also associated with metabolic syndrome, and some of these shared metabolic factors can contribute to both conditions.
  • Obesity: Fatty liver is frequently seen in individuals who are overweight or obese. Obesity can lead to insulin resistance, which, in turn, can contribute to both fatty liver and hyperuricemia. Additionally, obesity is a risk factor for high uric acid levels because fat cells produce substances that promote the production of uric acid.
  • Dietary Habits: Poor dietary habits, such as the consumption of high-fructose corn syrup and excessive purine-rich foods, can contribute to both fatty liver and hyperuricemia. High-fructose corn syrup, found in sugary beverages, has been linked to both conditions. Purine-rich foods can raise uric acid levels.

Reducing High Uric Acid Foods

What are Some Natural Ways to Reduce High Uric Acid Levels?

If you have high uric acid levels (hyperuricemia), there are several natural approaches you can try to help reduce uric acid levels and lower your risk of associated conditions like gout and kidney stones. Here are some natural ways to reduce high uric acid levels:

  1. Dietary Changes: Reduce your intake of purine-rich foods, such as organ meats (liver, kidney), red meat, seafood (especially shellfish like mussels and scallops), and certain types of beans. Choose lean sources of protein like poultry, tofu, and low-fat dairy products, and consume them in moderation. Focus on complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, which can help lower uric acid levels. Drink plenty of water to help flush out uric acid from your body.
  2. Limit Alcohol: Alcohol consumption, especially beer and liquor, can raise uric acid levels. Consider reducing or eliminating alcohol from your diet.
  3. Weight Management: If you’re overweight, losing weight gradually through a balanced diet and regular exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity and lower uric acid levels.
  4. Exercise: Regular physical activity can improve insulin sensitivity and promote weight loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week.
  5. Limit Sugary Beverages: High-fructose corn syrup, commonly found in sugary drinks, can raise uric acid levels. Limit your consumption of soda and fruit juices.
  6. Consume Cherries: Some studies suggest that consuming cherries or cherry extract may help reduce the risk of gout attacks and lower uric acid levels.
  7. Include Low-Fat Dairy: Low-fat dairy products like milk and yogurt have been associated with a lower risk of gout. These dairy products may help to stabilize uric acid levels.
  8. Coffee: Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a reduced risk of gout. However, individual responses to coffee can vary.
  9. Herbal Teas: Some herbal teas, such as nettle tea, may have mild diuretic properties that can help eliminate uric acid through urine. Always check with your healthcare provider before using herbal remedies.
  10. Manage Stress: High stress levels can trigger gout attacks in some individuals. Practicing stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises may be beneficial.


The ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalance related to PCOS that may on some level lead to problems with uric acid levels and PCOS are:

  • Food Related Causes– Inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance.
  • Exercise Related Causes: Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat.
  • Sleep Related Causes: Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep).
  • Stress Related Causes: Chronic Stress.  Addressing these triggers through an integrated approach can naturally restore hormonal balance.


How can the Five Pillars Integrated Lifestyle Approach Help You to Have Hormonal Balance and Help With PCOS?


  • Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.


  • Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.


  • Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.


  • Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra to avoid being sleep deprived, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock to stop feeling sleep deprived.


  • Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


9 Natural Ways to Reduce My Uric Acid Levels?


What is Uric Acid?

Uric acid is a chemical compound that is produced as a result of the metabolic breakdown of purines, which are naturally occurring substances found in certain foods and body tissues. Purines are an essential component of DNA and RNA, and they are also present in many foods, particularly in meat, seafood, and some types of vegetables.

The body typically excretes uric acid through the kidneys in the form of urine. However, when there is an excessive production of uric acid or if the kidneys do not effectively remove it from the bloodstream, uric acid levels can become elevated in the body. This condition is known as hyperuricemia.

High levels of uric acid can lead to the formation of urate crystals, which can accumulate in joints, leading to a painful condition known as gout. Gout is characterized by sudden and severe joint pain, swelling, redness, and inflammation, often affecting the big toe but also other joints.

Elevated uric acid levels are also associated with the development of kidney stones and, in some cases, may contribute to other health conditions like kidney disease and hypertension.


What is PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that primarily affects individuals of reproductive age, particularly women. It is characterized by a combination of symptoms, including irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) in the body. PCOS can lead to a range of health issues, including fertility problems, insulin resistance, weight gain, and an increased risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The exact cause of PCOS is not fully understood but is believed to involve a combination of genetic, hormonal, and lifestyle factors.


Uric Acid


How are Uric Acidic Levels and PCOS Related?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can be related with this, although the connection is not as direct as some other aspects of PCOS. PCOS is a common hormonal disorder among individuals with reproductive age and can have various metabolic and hormonal effects on the body. While PCOS primarily affects the ovaries and is characterized by irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cysts, and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones), it can also impact other aspects of health, including metabolism and insulin resistance.

Here’s how PCOS can be related with this:

  • Insulin Resistance: Many individuals with PCOS have insulin resistance, a condition where the body’s cells do not respond effectively to insulin, leading to elevated levels of insulin in the bloodstream. Insulin resistance can increase the production of uric acid by the body and decrease its excretion by the kidneys, potentially leading to higher uric acid levels.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: Some women with PCOS may develop metabolic syndrome, a cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic syndrome is often associated with elevated uric acid levels.
  • Weight Gain: PCOS can lead to weight gain and obesity in some individuals. Excess body weight is a risk factor for hyperuricemia (high uric acid levels), as it can lead to increased production of uric acid.
  • Dietary Factors: People with PCOS may have dietary habits that contribute to elevated uric acid levels. For example, a diet high in purine-rich foods (such as red meat and certain seafood) can increase uric acid production.



Natural Ways to Manage Levels of Uric Acid along with PCOS:

Managing such levels in individuals with PCOS can be achieved through natural lifestyle modifications. Here are some natural ways to help manage uric acid levels along with PCOS:

  • Balanced Diet: Adopting a balanced diet can help regulate both PCOS and uric acid levels. Focus on whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins while limiting processed and sugary foods. Reduce the intake of purine-rich foods like red meat, organ meats, and some seafood.
  • Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial for flushing out excess uric acid from the body. Aim to drink plenty of water throughout the day to promote healthy kidney function.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight can improve both PCOS symptoms and uric acid levels. Losing excess weight, if necessary, can help reduce insulin resistance and lower uric acid production.
  • Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can aid in weight management, improve insulin sensitivity, and help lower uric acid levels. Aim for a combination of cardiovascular exercises and strength training.
  • Stress Reduction: High stress levels can exacerbate PCOS symptoms and may indirectly affect uric acid levels. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindfulness.
  • Limit Alcohol: Alcohol can increase uric acid levels in the body, so it’s advisable to limit or avoid alcohol consumption, especially if you have PCOS.
  • Limit Fructose: High intake of fructose, often found in sugary beverages and some fruits, can increase uric acid levels. Limit your consumption of high-fructose corn syrup and foods or drinks high in added sugars.
  • Low-Fat Dairy: Including low-fat dairy products in your diet may help regulate uric acid levels. Calcium-rich foods can reduce the reabsorption of uric acid by the kidneys.
  • Herbal Teas: Some herbal teas, like green tea, may have antioxidant properties that could potentially help manage uric acid levels and improve insulin sensitivity.


The ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalance related to PCOS that may on some level lead to problems with uric acid levels and PCOS are:

  • Food Related Causes– Inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance.
  • Exercise Related Causes: Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat.
  • Sleep Related Causes: Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep).
  • Stress Related Causes: Chronic Stress.  Addressing these triggers through an integrated approach can naturally restore hormonal balance.



How can the Five Pillars Integrated Lifestyle Approach Help You to Have Hormonal Balance and Help With PCOS?


  • Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.


  • Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.


  • Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.


  • Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra to avoid being sleep deprived, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock to stop feeling sleep deprived.


  • Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


Why Are You Experiencing Painful Sex? 4 Relations It Has With Vaginal Dryness?

Pain during sexual intercourse is medically known as dyspareunia. It can have various causes, both physical and psychological. The pain is felt in the genital region. Women can have pain externally in the vulvar region to the labia (lips of the vagina) or at the opening to the vagina. Some feel the pain internally in the cervix, uterus or lower abdomen.

It’s a common condition that can have negative emotional and psychological effects. In addition to the physical pain, couples may suffer from loss of intimacy or experience strain in their relationship.


What Are Some Symptoms of Painful Sex and Vaginal Dryness?

Some common symptoms found in people experiencing painful sex especially due to vaginal dryness are: 

  • Pain or discomfort: You may experience pain or a burning sensation during penetration, which can occur at the vaginal opening or deeper inside the vagina.
  • Stinging or soreness: Some individuals may feel a stinging or soreness during or after intercourse.
  • Throbbing pain: The pain may be described as a throbbing sensation in the genital area.
  • Tightness or muscle spasms: Vaginismus, a condition where the vaginal muscles involuntarily tighten, can also cause pain during intercourse.
  • Lack of lubrication: Vaginal dryness is characterized by insufficient natural lubrication in the vagina, leading to increased friction during intercourse.
  • Itching and irritation: Dryness in the vaginal area may cause itching, burning, or general discomfort.
  • Pain or discomfort during daily activities: Vaginal dryness can lead to discomfort during activities like walking, exercising, or sitting.
  • Urinary symptoms: Some women may experience urinary symptoms like increased frequency or urgency due to the dryness irritating the urethra.


painful sex



Why Are You Experiencing Painful Sexual Intercourse?

There could be a wide variety of reasons for why you might be experiencing pain during or after sexual intercourse. Some of them are: 

  • Lack of Lubrication: Insufficient vaginal lubrication can make sex uncomfortable or painful. This can be due to various factors, such as hormonal changes, stress, certain medications, or inadequate arousal.
  • Vaginal Infections or Conditions: Infections like yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis, as well as conditions like vaginismus (involuntary muscle spasms in the vaginal wall), endometriosis, or pelvic inflammatory disease, can cause pain during intercourse.
  • Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Some STIs can cause irritation or inflammation in the genital area, leading to pain during sex.
  • Vaginal Dryness Due To Menopause: Hormonal changes during menopause can lead to vaginal dryness and thinning of the vaginal walls, making sex painful.
  • Physical Issues: Certain structural issues like uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, or pelvic organ prolapse can cause discomfort during intercourse.
  • Psychological Factors: Emotional issues like anxiety, depression, past trauma, or relationship problems can contribute to painful sex.


Who Is More At Risk For Painful Sex?

Pain during sex is more common in women. It can affect both men (male dyspareunia) and women (female dyspareunia) of all ages. The pain is often due to physical factors or medical conditions, but it can also be psychological. 

Moreover, when painful sex is experienced specifically due to vaginal dryness, it is more likely to happen to women or people assigned female at birth. 

How Does Vaginal Dryness Cause Painful Sex?

Vaginal dryness is a common symptom that you will likely experience at some point in your life. Several conditions and factors cause your vagina to become dry such as menopause or taking certain medications. This dry feeling can lead to painful sex or burning, itching and soreness in your genitals. It can indeed lead to painful sex. Vaginal dryness occurs when there is insufficient lubrication in the vaginal area, which can result in discomfort or pain during intercourse. Several factors can cause vaginal dryness, including:

  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during menopause or while breastfeeding, can lead to decreased estrogen levels. Estrogen helps maintain vaginal lubrication, so lower levels can cause dryness.
  • Stress and Anxiety: Emotional factors like stress and anxiety can affect the body’s natural lubrication process and lead to vaginal dryness.
  • Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions like Sjogren’s syndrome and certain autoimmune disorders can cause vaginal dryness.
  • Chemical Irritants: The use of harsh soaps, perfumes, or douches in the genital area can irritate the delicate tissues and disrupt the natural lubrication.



How Do I Manage Vaginal Dryness and Painful Sex?

To address painful sex caused by vaginal dryness, there are several approaches you can consider:

  • Use Natural Lubricants: Using natural lubricants like coconut oil or aloe vera can provide relief by reducing friction during intercourse.
  • Natural Vaginal Moisturizers: Using natural oils to moisturize the vaginal area can prove to be extremely beneficial for avoiding painful sex.
  • Hydration: Drinking at least 1.5-2L of water a day can help in keeping the vagina moisturized and healthy and reduce chances of painful sex.
  • Avoid Irritants: Be mindful of the products you use in the genital area and opt for natural, gentle and fragrance-free options.
  • Foreplay and Arousal: Engaging in longer periods of foreplay can help promote natural lubrication and reduce discomfort during intercourse.
  • Communication With Your Partner: Openly communicating with your partner about your feelings and discomfort can help create a supportive and understanding environment during intimacy.


The ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalance related to PCOS that may on some level lead to vaginal dryness and painful sex are:

  • Food Related Causes– Inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance.
  • Exercise Related Causes: Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat.
  • Sleep Related Causes: Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep).
  • Stress Related Causes: Chronic Stress.  Addressing these triggers through an integrated approach can naturally restore hormonal balance.


How can the Five Pillars Integrated Lifestyle Approach Help You to have Hormonal Balance and Help With Relieving Pain During Sex and Vaginal Dryness?

  • Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.
  • Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.
  • Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.
  • Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  • Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


In Conclusion,

We may say that it is important to note that both painful sex and vaginal dryness can have various underlying causes like PCOS, menopause and some medical conditions. Some causes may be more common during certain life stages, such as menopause, but they can also affect women of all ages. But it can most definitely be managed through the use of various natural means for hydration and moisturization coupled with regular communication with your partner to ensure good vaginal health and reduce your chances of experiencing painful sex!


Experiencing Vaginal Dryness? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


What Is Vaginal Dryness?

Vaginal dryness is a condition where the vaginal walls lack sufficient moisture and lubrication. It is a common issue that can affect women of all ages, but it is more prevalent during and after menopause. However, it can also occur due to other factors such as breastfeeding, certain medications, stress, hormonal changes, or medical treatments like chemotherapy.

It is a painful symptom that severely affects a person’s quality of life. It can cause pain during sitting, exercising, peeing, and even sexual intercourse. Normally, your vaginal lining is lubricated with fluid helping to keep it thick and elastic. Vaginal dryness happens when the tissues in the vagina are dry, thin, and not well-moisturized. This leads to extreme discomfort.


Whom Does It Affect?

Vaginal dryness may affect any woman or person assigned female at birth, anyone with a vagina. It may occur at any age but is especially common with women going through menopause affecting the ages of 45-55 years especially. 


What is Vaginal Dryness?



How Do I Identify Whether I Have Dryness In My Vagina?

The symptoms of vaginal dryness can vary from woman to woman, and some individuals may experience mild symptoms, while others may have more severe or noticeable ones. Common symptoms of vaginal dryness include:

  • Dryness:

The most prominent symptom is a lack of moisture in the vaginal area, which can make the vaginal tissues feel dry and uncomfortable.

  • Itching:

Vaginal dryness may cause itching or irritation in and around the vagina.

  • Discomfort During Intercourse:

One of the primary issues related to vaginal dryness is pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia). The lack of lubrication can lead to friction and irritation during penetration.

  • Bleeding After Intercourse:

In some cases, the vaginal tissues can become so dry and delicate that intercourse may cause minor tears or cuts, resulting in light bleeding afterward.

  • Burning Sensation:

Some women may experience a burning or stinging sensation in the vaginal area due to the lack of natural lubrication.

  • Urinary Symptoms:

Vaginal dryness can also affect the urinary tract, leading to symptoms like increased frequency of urination or urinary tract infections (UTIs).

  • Changes in Vaginal Discharge:

This condition can alter the amount and consistency of vaginal discharge. Instead of the usual clear, slippery discharge, some women may have less discharge or notice a thicker, clumpy texture.

  • Increased Sensitivity:

Vaginal dryness can make the vaginal tissues more sensitive, making everyday activities like wearing tight clothing or using tampons uncomfortable.

Why Does Vaginal Dryness Occur?

Vaginal dryness can be caused by various factors, and it’s essential to identify the specific underlying cause to determine the most appropriate treatment. Some common causes of vaginal dryness include:

  • Menopause:

The most common cause of vaginal dryness is hormonal changes associated with menopause. As women age, their estrogen levels decrease, leading to changes in the vaginal tissues, including reduced moisture and lubrication.

  • Postpartum:

After childbirth, some women may experience temporary vaginal dryness due to hormonal fluctuations.

  • Breastfeeding:

The hormonal changes during breastfeeding can also contribute to vaginal dryness.

  • Medications:

Upon the consumption of certain medications, such as hormonal birth control, antihistamines, and antidepressants, may cause vaginal dryness as a side effect.

  • Medical Treatments:

Cancer treatments like chemotherapy and radiation therapy can lead to vaginal dryness and changes in the vaginal tissues.

  • Stress and Anxiety:

Having a high emotional stress level can negatively affect your hormone levels and contribute to vaginal dryness indirectly.

  • Sjogren’s Syndrome:

This autoimmune disorder can cause dryness in various parts of the body, including the vagina.

  • Allergies or Irritants:

The use of certain soaps, douches, or laundry detergents with harsh chemicals can irritate the vaginal tissues and lead to dryness.

  • Lack of Arousal:

Insufficient sexual arousal and stimulation can result in inadequate vaginal lubrication during sexual activity.

  • Certain Health Conditions:

Certain conditions like diabetes and endometriosis may impact vaginal lubrication.



How Do I Get A Diagnosis for Vaginal Dryness?

Healthcare providers diagnose this based on your medical history and a physical exam. To find the cause, your provider will ask about your symptoms and any medications you take. They may perform the following tests:

  • Pelvic exam to view the inside of your vagina, which may be thin, dry, and red.
  • Blood tests to determine if hormone levels or a health condition are causing vaginal dryness.
  • Test a sample of your vaginal discharge to rule out other causes or to check for signs of infection.



How Do I Naturally Treat and Manage Vaginal Dryness?

Natural remedies may help alleviate vaginal dryness, especially if the condition is mild or related to hormonal changes. However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure there are no underlying medical conditions causing the dryness. Here are some natural approaches to treating a dry vagina:

  • Lifestyle changes:

Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine and alcohol can promote overall vaginal health. Additionally, wearing breathable cotton underwear and avoiding scented soaps or douches can reduce irritation.

  • Pelvic Floor Exercises:

Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises may improve blood flow to the vaginal area, supporting vaginal health.

  • Stress Reduction:

Stress can impact hormone levels, so managing stress through relaxation techniques, exercise can be beneficial. Making the mind stress resilient will help.

  • Hydration

Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration can help maintain moisture levels in the body, including the vaginal area.

  • Use Non-Irritating Products:

Avoid using harsh soaps, douches, and scented products in the vaginal area, as they can disrupt the natural balance and cause irritation. Instead, use mild, unscented soap for cleaning.

  • Coconut Oil:

Some women find coconut oil to be a natural and effective lubricant for alleviating vaginal dryness. However, it’s essential to avoid using coconut oil with latex condoms, as it may weaken them.

  • Vitamin E:

Applying vitamin E oil to the vaginal area may help soothe and moisturize the tissues. Look for natural, pure vitamin E oil without added ingredients.

  • Aloe Vera Gel:

Pure aloe vera gel has moisturizing properties and can be applied externally to help soothe the vaginal tissues.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as flaxseeds, and chia seeds can promote overall skin and mucous membrane health, including the vaginal area.

  • Probiotics:

Probiotic-rich foods or supplements may help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vaginal area, supporting vaginal health.

  • Phytoestrogenic Foods:

Some foods, like soy products, contain natural compounds called phytoestrogens that may help mimic the effects of estrogen in the body. These foods may be helpful for some women experiencing menopause-related dryness.

  • Avoid irritants:

Steer clear of activities or habits that may irritate the vaginal area, such as using harsh chemicals, smoking, or excessive alcohol consumption.


Experiencing occasional vaginal dryness is normal, but if it becomes persistent and causes discomfort or pain, it is essential to seek medical advice. A healthcare provider can conduct a thorough evaluation to identify the specific cause and recommend appropriate treatments or lifestyle changes to manage the condition effectively.
This condition can have a negative impact on a woman’s sexual health and overall quality of life. It can make sexual intercourse painful and lead to a decreased interest in sexual activity. Additionally, it may cause emotional distress, anxiety, and frustration. Experiencing this does not necessarily indicate a severe medical condition, as it can occur due to various factors, including hormonal changes, stress, or certain medications. 
Remember that, an integrated natural healthy lifestyle taking care of your eating, moving, sleeping, breathing, and mind will provide a strong foundation for not only reversing but also preventing vaginal dryness. 

How’s your relationship with your partner ?


How’s your relationship with your partner ?

We will complete 17 years of our marriage this February
Have I not fought with me ? 100000 times
Have I not thought that he doesn’t love me ? 10000 times
Have I not thought he doesn’t value me ? 1000 times
Have I not thought of a divorce ? 100 times
Have I not thought he is cheating on me? NEVER!!

We had our ups & downs ; we have our difference of opinion; but what I do have in this relationship is TRUST & RESPECT Those are the 2 values I always wanted in my guy everything else is secondary !

I realised our love languages are different ,My love language is more expressive ; more physical

Deepak’s is more through service – through caring, Now that we know each others love language life is easy & fun

You see these pictures ; this is how I feel with Deepak ; the whole world is there but I see him ; I feel him ; his warmth ; & that’s what keeps it ticking.

We have different interests but because we are on same life path we merge ; we connect ; we have so much to discuss ; we help each other Grow !

It wasn’t always like this but we chose to work on our marriage ; everyone must do it !

We asked the question ?
Is it worth working on ? If the core is strong ; if there is no value conflict then why not work on this relation !
We learn everyday
We work on it everyday
We have great chemistry & it oozes out
He still makes my heart skip a beat when he comes out of the room ; that’s what keeps it going I guess
I am no relationship expert but in 17 years what I have learnt & what I practise is

1. Only when you respect the “ I” your “ WE” becomes strong

Give space to each other ; you don’t have to do everything together ; you can have different set of friends ; different likings and yet be together

2. Trust is the most important factor in a relationship

We both never touch each others phone; it’s a unsaid rule ; it’s cause neither of us ever felt the need to spy !! And trust me Deepak was made to believe by many he has many reasons to spy 😃

3. Communication

What you dint like ; you did like ; always expresss without the fear of being judged !! It helps to understand each other & you always know it wasn’t done intentionally

4. Great Sex

We must have sex which makes both the partners happy ; can’t be one way ; can’t be monotonous ; can’t be predictable !!!

I do have greeeeeettttttt sex

5. Have a ritual together

Could be anything that you both will do together no matter what – it can be daily ; weekly or once a month !

6. Have dates night

Doesn’t matter you are 40 or 50 or married for 10 years or have kids ; you both need to have that space ; keep the spark ignited ! Dress up for each other ; I see many women not dressing up at home ; same clothes ; no shower … come on a house wife or a working professional- dress up for your man ! Doesn’t mean expensive clothes ; or make up ; just take the effort is all !!!

7. Drop the ego battle

It’s the toughest one ; but always ask yourself is my ego bigger then the relationship ; it’s not easy but you’ll come around ; you’ll learn to drop it ! It doesn’t matter who says max sorry ; you start and see how the partner realises & comes around !

You have 2 options to say “ we have changed; he has changed ; it’s not like before ; we are old ; etc etc or Make it work ; it takes effort ; everyday ; put that effort joyfully ! For me this Aarti is not complete without this Deepak ! What about you ?

What is the difference between being Selfish & Self Love


What is the difference between being
Selfish & Self Love

So I thought of sharing it here with a simple example – tell me if it made sense !

So if you have 1 Roti/ chapati/ bread with you & you & your husband both are hungry !

Eating the whole roti alone is being * Selfish* 

Giving the whole roti to your husband is * Stupid oops Selfless 


Dividing the roti into half & keeping one half for yourself & giving the other half to your partner is * SELF – LOVE* 

Our mothers never exercised Self Love as that’s what they learnt from their mothers & they from their mothers !

You & I learnt the same from ours dint we ??

Do you remember your mom making a choice of restaurant ? Or a movie to go to ? Or what colour car will your family buy ?

Mine dint !!

I dint even know for a very long time what her favourite cuisine was ? Did you ?

Self -love is knowing what you like ; dislike & expressing it joyfully !!

Expecting everything to happen your way is being Selfish !

Expressing what you want ; prioritizing yourself is Self Love ! 

Say your husband comes late every day from work ; now you have to sleep early as you have early workout !

What will you do ? What is being Selfish ; Selfless or self-love in this case !!!




We all have our own unique qualities, strengths, and challenges, but sometimes it can be easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. In this blog ; I want to share why it’s so important to embrace your uniqueness and celebrate the qualities that make you “who you are”

Everyone is Different:

It’s important to remember that everyone is different and has their own unique qualities and challenges. No two people are exactly alike, and that’s what makes the world such a beautiful and interesting place. Then why compare or compete !!

Celebrate Your Strengths:

One of the best ways to embrace your uniqueness is to celebrate your strengths. What do you do well? What makes you happy? Focus on these things and use them to build confidence and a positive self-image.

Embrace Your Challenges:

Everyone faces challenges in life, but it’s how we handle these challenges that defines us. Embracing your challenges and using them to grow and learn can help you become a stronger and more resilient person.

Be Confident in Your Own Skin:

Confidence is key when it comes to embracing your uniqueness. Believe in yourself and be proud of who you are. Remember that you have something special to offer the world, and don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

Surround Yourself with Positive People:

Finally, it’s important to surround yourself with positive people who support and encourage you. People who lift you up and help you see the best in yourself can make a huge difference in your life. This community is one such place I’d like minded women who support encourage and never judge !

In conclusion, embracing your uniqueness is essential for leading a happy and fulfilling life. Celebrate your strengths, embrace your challenges, and be confident in your own skin. You are unique, and that’s something to be proud of.

National Motherhood Day


National Motherhood Day

As we celebrate National Motherhood Day, I want to take a moment to share some of the most important lessons I’ve learned on my own journey as a mother. These lessons have helped me navigate the ups and downs of motherhood, and I hope they will be helpful to other mothers in my community.

1. Patience is key
Motherhood can be challenging, but it’s important to remember that patience is key. Whether it’s dealing with tantrums or sleepless nights, taking a deep breath and approaching each situation with patience can make all the difference. It’s important to remember that children learn from our behavior, and modeling patience can help them develop this important skill as well.

2. Practice self-care
It’s easy to get caught up in the daily demands of motherhood, but it’s important to take time for ourselves as well. Whether it’s a quiet cup of coffee in the morning or a workout at the gym, self-care is essential for our own well-being. When we take care of ourselves, we’re better able to take care of our children.

3. Embrace imperfection
As mothers, we often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect, but the truth is, perfection is unattainable. It’s important to embrace our imperfections and recognize that we’re doing the best we can. By letting go of the pressure to be perfect, we can enjoy motherhood more fully.

4. Celebrate small moments
As mothers, it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day responsibilities of raising children, but it’s important to celebrate the small moments as well. Whether it’s a first step or a good report card, taking time to celebrate these milestones can bring us joy and help us appreciate the journey of motherhood.

5. Lean on your community
Motherhood can be isolating, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s important to lean on our community of friends, family, and fellow mothers for support. Whether it’s a playdate or a phone call with a friend, connecting with others who understand the joys and challenges of motherhood can be incredibly empowering.

In conclusion, motherhood is a journey that can be challenging, but it’s also one of the most rewarding experiences of our lives. By embracing patience, self-care, imperfection, celebration, and community, we can navigate the ups and downs of motherhood with grace and confidence. Happy National Motherhood Day to all the mothers in our community