weight loss

PCOS itself is a chronic condition that typically doesn’t go away permanently with weight loss alone. However, weight loss can dramatically reduce the symptoms and consequences linked with PCOS.

PCOS is basically a hormonal illness that can produce a variety of symptoms such as irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne, and weight gain. Excess weight can exacerbate insulin resistance, a typical characteristic of PCOS.

Insulin resistance can result in elevated insulin levels in the blood, which can contribute to hormonal imbalances and other PCOS symptoms. Hence weight loss can increase insulin sensitivity, normalize hormone levels, and lessen the severity of PCOS symptoms.

How does weight loss help to reduce symptoms of PCOS?

Although PCOS doesn’t go away with weight loss alone; weight loss can help to reduce many PCOS symptoms. Here are a few points explaining how weight loss can help in reducing PCOS symptoms:

  1. Hormonal balance: Excess weight can cause an increase in androgens (male hormones), which can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Weight loss aids in the restoration of hormonal balance and the reduction of androgen levels.
  2. Insulin sensitivity: Weight loss can increase insulin sensitivity, which is frequently reduced in PCOS. This minimizes the risk of type 2 diabetes by lowering insulin levels.
  3. Menstrual Regularity: Losing weight can result in more predictable menstrual cycles, lowering the irregular or nonexistent periods that are typical in PCOS.
  4. Inflammation Reduction: Losing weight helps reduce chronic inflammation in the body, which is linked to PCOS symptoms and problems.
  5. Ovulation Restoration: For women with PCOS, losing weight can encourage normal ovulation, improving fertility and boosting the odds of spontaneous conception.
  6. Fertility improvement: Weight loss helps women with PCOS have more successful pregnancies because it enhances their reproductive health.
  7. Hair growth control: Weight loss can lower testosterone levels, which in turn reduces excessive hair growth (hirsutism) and boosts self-esteem.
  8. Cardiovascular Health: Heart disease risk factors are influenced by excess weight. Losing weight can lower cardiovascular risks, which are frequently increased in PCOS patients.
  9. Enhancement of Mood: Making a change to a better lifestyle for weight loss can have a good effect on mental health by reducing PCOS-related symptoms of anxiety and despair.weight loss
  10. Metabolic Health: Losing weight reduces the chance of developing metabolic syndrome by improving metabolic parameters like cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and glucose tolerance.
  11. Regulation of appetite hormones: Regulating appetite hormones may help prevent overeating and support weight maintenance by regulating the hormones that affect appetite.
  12. Lifestyle Changes: Losing weight entails establishing healthy routines including consistent exercise and a balanced diet, which can have a totally positive impact on PCOS management.
  13. Reduced Risk of Gestational Diabetes: Pregnant women with PCOS are more likely to develop gestational diabetes. Pregnancy-related weight loss can reduce this risk.
  14. Liver health: Losing weight can enhance liver performance and lessen fatty liver, which is a common symptom of PCOS because of insulin resistance.
  15. Quality of life: In general, weight loss can enhance a woman with PCOS’s quality of life by easing symptoms and boosting general health.

Thus, it is clear that losing weight can help to lessen PCOS symptoms. However, the only method for reversing PCOS should not be weight loss. PCOS should be reversed naturally which is possible if we understand the underlying root causes of PCOS.

Root causes of PCOS:

Hormonal imbalances, which are created by ten fundamental aspects of contemporary lifestyle, are the primary cause of PCOS. Now let’s see the root causes of PCOS in order to reverse it.

Food-related root Causes:

  1. Food toxicity: Foods high in additives, preservatives, and chemicals can contribute to hormone imbalances by altering the endocrine system.
  2. Inflammation: Diets high in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats can cause the body to become more acidic and inflammatory, disrupting the body’s hormonal balance.
  3. A lack of micronutrients in our diet: Because these nutrients are essential for a variety of hormonal actions, a lack of critical vitamins and minerals may interfere with hormone balance.
  4. Insulin resistance: Meals with a high glycemic index can promote insulin resistance: Eating meals with a high glycemic index can create insulin resistance, which affects hormone levels, particularly insulin and androgens.
  5. Excess male hormones: Eating foods high in chemicals, steroids, or hormone-disrupting components may result in an increase in male hormones (androgens), which may contribute to hormonal disorders.

Exercise-Related Causes:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle: It involves spending most of one’s time sitting down: Excessive sitting and a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalance.weight loss
  2. Excess body fat over the ovaries: Insulin resistance and inflammation brought on by excess body fat, especially in the area of the belly, may be linked to hormonal irregularities.
  3. Lack of muscle mass: Lack of physical exercise and muscle mass can affect insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance in general.

Sleep-related root causes:

  1. Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep): Poor or insufficient sleep can throw off the body’s hormonal balance, especially the hormones that control hunger and stress (leptin and ghrelin).

Stress-related root causes: 

  1. Chronic Stress: Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can cause the deregulation of various hormones, including cortisol, upsetting the body’s overall hormonal balance.

Now that we understand the root causes we can treat PCOS naturally by adapting a few strategies that can not only treat PCOS but also help us in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


The 5-pillar strategy to reverse PCOS naturally: 

  1. Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honour nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.
  1. Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.
  1. Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.weight loss
  1. Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  1. Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


By adopting the above 5 strategies in day-to-day life one can reverse PCOS naturally as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle.

To sum up, while choosing weight loss may help you minimize some PCOS symptoms, it may not be enough to help you reverse PCOS. Therefore, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle by implementing the aforementioned 5 tactics, which will assist you in permanently reversing PCOS by placing you in a healthy lifestyle.

Menstrual Flow Magnification: Your Path to Better Health”

Menstrual flow

Menstrual flow is the term used to describe the regular passage of blood and tissue during the menstrual cycle through the vagina. It is a typical physiological process that takes place in women. Menstrual flow is frequently referred to as a “period.”

Menstrual flow typically lasts 3 to 7 days, however this can vary from person to person. The amount of blood and tissue lost changes with each period. Individuals commonly experience a variety of physical and emotional symptoms, such as cramping, bloating, mood changes, and anxiety.


What are the types of menstrual flows?

Menstrual flow might be termed abnormal if it differs from the normal patterns and characteristics of a menstrual cycle. There are few types of menstrual flows namely:

  1. Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (Menorrhagia): This refers to profuse bleeding during menstruation, which can cause pads or tampons to soak through quickly, necessitating numerous changes.
  2. Light Menstrual Flow (Hypomenorrhea): Having a very light flow that lasts for a few days may be deemed abnormal. This can occasionally be an indication of hormone abnormalities or other underlying disorders.Menstrual flow
  3. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: If the time between periods changes greatly or if periods occur too frequently, the menstrual cycle may become irregular. These anomalies could be caused by hormone imbalances, stress, medical issues, or lifestyle choices.
  4. Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding (Menometrorrhagia): This is characterised by a menstrual period that lasts longer than 7 days.
  5. Intermenstrual Bleeding: This is bleeding that happens between menstrual periods and is also known as spotting. It can occasionally suggest problems like as hormonal changes, cervical or uterine polyps, or infections.
  6. Absent Menstrual Periods (Amenorrhea): When a woman of reproductive age misses multiple menstrual cycles without becoming pregnant, it is considered abnormal and could be caused by hormonal imbalances, excessive exercise, stress, or medical conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


What are the causes of abnormal menstrual flows?

Abnormal menstrual flow also known as abnormal uterine bleeding can have various underlying causes.

Some of the potential causes of abnormal menstrual flow:

  1. Hormonal imbalances: Imbalances in hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone, can cause irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid problems can both disturb hormonal homeostasis.
  1. Uterine Fibroids: These benign uterine growths can cause excessive or extended menstrual flow. They may also cause pain and pressure in the pelvic area.
  1. Endometrial Polyps: Endometrial polyps are growths that develop on the inner lining of the uterus. They can result in irregular bleeding, heavy periods, and spotting between cycles.
  1. Endometriosis: Endometriosis is a disorder in which tissue that resembles the uterine lining grows outside the uterus, causing pain, heavy bleeding, and irregular periods.menstrual flow
  1. Adenomyosis: Adenomyosis occurs when the tissue that borders the uterus develops into the uterine muscle walls. It can result in excessive bleeding, cramps, and pelvic pain. 
  1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): A reproductive organ infection that causes irregular bleeding, pain, and discomfort.
  1. Certain medications: Certain drugs, such as hormonal contraceptives or blood thinners, might interfere with menstrual flow and cause irregular bleeding.
  1. Medical Conditions: Abnormal menstrual flow can be caused by conditions such as liver or renal disease, bleeding problems, and some malignancies.
  1. IUDs: While effective forms of contraception, intrauterine devices (IUDs) can occasionally produce irregular bleeding, particularly in the first few months following placement.
  1. Pregnancy complications: Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus), and other pregnancy-related complications can result in irregular bleeding.
  1. Menopause and Perimenopause: As women approach menopause, their menstrual cycles may become erratic, resulting in irregular bleeding patterns.
  1. Cervical or Uterine Cancer: While less prevalent, cervix or uterine cancer can cause irregular bleeding.
  2. Stress and lifestyle factors: High levels of stress, excessive exercise, rapid weight gain or reduction, and other lifestyle variables might alter hormonal balance and interfere with menstrual flow.


How can we increase menstrual flow?

As we discussed the types of menstrual flows, women having light menstrual flow can improve their menstrual flow to a normal level by taking few precautions:

  1. Eat right:

Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honour nature’s wisdom. Increase consumption of this type of food can improve insulin sensitivity and digestion.

Avoiding specific foods including fried and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, drinks, alcohol, and caffeine aids in managing PCOS. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.

Also include foods which have vitamin C and iron rich foods as vitamin C intake can enhance blood flow whereas iron is essential for production of blood. Further having herbal teas like ginger, cinnamon and raspberry leaf tea are known to increase menstrual flow.

  1. Move more:

Begin a journey of holistic lifestyle improvements in which staying active is more than just exercise. Constant activity throughout the day promotes epigenetic expression and hormonal homeostasis. To unlock the power of epigenetic triggers, engage in joyful physical activities, dance, or simply meditative walks. Menstrual flow

  1. Sleep Better:

Quality sleep affects hormone balance and overall well-being, which can have an indirect impact on menstrual flow. Adequate sleep aids in the regulation of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which may result in a more regular and healthy menstrual cycle. While sleep might have an impact on menstruation health, it is only one of many factors that play a role in this process.

Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of YogNidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.

  1. Hydration:

The claim that staying hydrated directly enhances menstrual flow is unsupported by scientific research. In contrast to hydration levels, hormonal changes and the loss of the uterine lining have a greater impact on menstrual flow.

But staying hydrated is essential for overall health, including when menstruating. Headaches, weariness, and poor focus are just a few of the discomforts and potential health problems that can result from dehydration. Getting enough water to drink might ease some of these symptoms and improve general health.

  1. Stress management:

The menstrual cycle and hormonal balance might be affected by persistent stress. It can be good to practise stress-reduction strategies like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, or taking up a hobby.


In conclusion, it is critical for women’s general health and wellbeing to comprehend the wide range of monthly flows and to identify the potential causes of aberrant patterns. Understanding the differences between light, moderate, and heavy flows as well as the causes of abnormalities equips us with the knowledge we need to deal with any alarming symptoms.

Furthermore, our research into all-natural ways to increase menstrual flow offers a comprehensive strategy that works with the body’s natural patterns. Including habits like healthy eating, consistent exercise, and stress management not only encourages healthier cycles but also fosters a closer relationship with our body. We can create a better environment for more peaceful menstruation experiences and improved reproductive health by raising knowledge and encouraging informed decision-making.

Understanding PCOS’s mental health effects beyond hormones

mental health

PCOS can effect mental health of women in addition to physical health. PCOS is a hormonal disorder that is caused to many women due to hormonal imbalances. It can lead to a range of physical symptoms such as irregular periods, excessive hair growth, acne and weight gain. It can, however, have psychological and emotional repercussions in addition to physical symptoms.


Ways how PCOS can affect women’s mental health:

PCOS’s hormonal abnormalities and accompanying physical symptoms can affect mental health in a number of ways, including:

  1. Hormonal fluctuations: In PCOS, sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are out of balance. These changes can have an effect on mental health like mood swings, irritations, anxiety and despair.
  1. Body Image and Self-Esteem: Physical symptoms include weight gain, acne, excessive face and body hair, and thinning hair are common in people with PCOS. These signs and symptoms may negatively affect one’s perception of one’s body and level of self-worth, resulting in feelings of guilt, embarrassment, and poor self-worth which have affect on mental health.
  1. Pain and Discomfort: Some people who have PCOS feel cramping, pain, and discomfort in the pelvis. The effects of chronic pain on the mind can be profound, increasing tension, worry, and depressive symptoms which create disturbance in mental health.
  1. Fertility concerns: Ovulation or anovulation irregularities caused by PCOS are a frequent cause of infertility. People with PCOS who want to have children may experience increased stress, worry, and sadness as a result of the difficulties of attempting to conceive.
  1. Insulin resistance: PCOS sufferers frequently have insulin resistance, which might affect their ability to control their mood. Blood sugar changes might be a factor in irritation, trouble concentrating, and mood swings. In total it has a great impact on ones mental health.
  2. Hormonal Impact: Hormonal deregulation in PCOS may alter neurotransmitter levels and brain chemistry, which may have an impact on mood and mental health.
  3. Stress: Managing PCOS symptoms, such as keeping track of diet, exercise, and medical treatments, can be difficult and result in higher levels of stress. With higher levels of stress mental health is affected.mental health
  4. Stigma and Misunderstanding: PCOS can be stigmatized and misunderstood since society does not always comprehend it properly. It may be challenging for people with PCOS to ask for help and understanding from others due to this lack of awareness. 
  5. Coping with Symptoms: Managing PCOS’s physical symptoms can be difficult and have an influence on daily life, which can then have an impact on mental health.
  6. Impact on Social Interactions and Relationships: PCOS’s mental health and physical health issues can have an impact on social interactions and relationships. Coping with the disease may necessitate changes in social activities and intimate connections, which could lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

As a result of the aforementioned factors, PCOS might have an impact on women’s mental health. Treating PCOS is the only way to deal with these effects.

To deal with the problem we should know the root causes. So let’s now discuss what the root causes of PCOS are.

What are the root causes of PCOS?

If treating PCOS is our aim then identifying the root cause of PCOS should be our step to reach our aim. PCOS is a hormonal disorder this disorder is caused due to hormonal imbalances. So here the root cause is hormonal imbalance. Now knowing the root causes of hormonal imbalances is important to balance the hormones. There are ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalances related to PCOS:

Food-related root Causes:

  1. Food toxicity: Foods high in additives, preservatives, and chemicals can contribute to hormone imbalances by altering the endocrine system.
  2. Inflammation: Diets high in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats can cause the body to become more acidic and inflammatory, disrupting the body’s hormonal balance.
  3. A lack of micronutrients in our diet: Because these nutrients are essential for a variety of hormonal actions, a lack of critical vitamins and minerals may interfere with hormone balance.
  4. Insulin resistance: Meals with a high glycemic index can promote insulin resistance: Eating meals with a high glycemic index can create insulin resistance, which affects hormone levels, particularly insulin and androgens.
  5. Excess male hormones: Eating foods high in chemicals, steroids, or hormone-disrupting components may result in an increase in male hormones (androgens), which may contribute to hormonal disorders.

Exercise-Related Causes:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle: It involves spending most of one’s time sitting down: Excessive sitting and a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalance.
  2. Excess body fat over the ovaries: Insulin resistance and inflammation brought on by excess body fat, especially in the area of the belly, may be linked to hormonal irregularities.mental health
  3. Lack of muscle mass: Lack of physical exercise and muscle mass can affect insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance in general.

Sleep-related root causes:

  1. Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep): Poor or insufficient sleep can throw off the body’s hormonal balance, especially the hormones that control hunger and stress (leptin and ghrelin).

Stress-related root causes: 

  1. Chronic Stress: Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can cause the dysregulation of various hormones, including cortisol, upsetting the body’s overall hormonal balance.

As a result of the aforementioned factors of modern lifestyle, women develop hormonal abnormalities, which lead to PCOS. As a result, having this condition may have an impact on one’s personal life, making it more difficult to manage the condition.


The 5 pillar strategy to reverse PCOS naturally:

 Treating PCOS is the best solution to overcome the effects it has. However treating it naturally helps to cure it permanently without any side effects because this natural process focusses on the root cause of the problem and not just the symptoms. Hence treating PCOS naturally is advised.

As we have discussed above we know that PCOS is a hormonal disorder and this disorder is caused due to hormonal imbalances. So here the root cause is hormonal imbalance, now this natural method has 5 pillar strategy which helps us to manage the hormonal balance.

  1. Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.
  2. Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.
  3. Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.mental health
  1. Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  1. Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.

Adopting the above 5 strategies in day to day life one can reverse PCOS naturally, by reversing it the affects it has on mental health and physical health can be resolved accordingly.

Coping with PCOS after Marriage: Overcoming Hurdles and Adopting a Change-Taking Approach”


PCOS or PCOD are one and the same type of disorder. These disorders might raise some problems after marriage as these disorders are related to women’s reproductive organs.

PCOS/PCOD stands for Polycystic ovarian syndrome whereas PCOD stands for Polycystic ovarian disease. Here syndrome in PCOS means A set of symptoms that occur together which is mentioned a as disease in PCOD. Hence there is not much difference between PCOS and PCOD.

Now before we move into the problems that are caused due to PCOS/PCOD after marriage let’s look into the definition of PCOS/PCOD, its symptoms and causes of the same.


What is PCOS/PCOD?

It is a hormonal disorder which is basically caused by hormonal imbalances and few other reasons. PCOS/PCOD can be reversed naturally by making few changes in our life style which includes eating habits and exercise.

The general perception of PCOS/PCOD is that, it is a complex issue and that is made even more complex by our use of medical terminology. But if presented in everyday terms, it is simple to understand.

Ovary is one of the woman’s reproductive organs. Millions of eggs are present in the ovary, and since the ovary produces eggs throughout a woman’s lifetime, she will never run out of eggs.

These immature eggs are kept in follicles. Every month, one free egg is released into the fallopian tube; if this egg fertilizes, you are pregnant; if it does not, menstruation should result.

In women with PCOS/PCOD, however, this does not occur; the egg will not get fertilized and the immature egg will not mature and will instead remain as a cyst on the ovaries as a result of hormonal imbalances.

Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD:

How can one identify that they are having this condition is by checking if they have any below symptoms.

  1. Irregular menstrual cycles: Menstrual irregularities or absence are one of the defining symptoms of PCOS/PCOD. This could result in prolonged or shorter cycles, or even skipped periods.
  2. Excess androgen production: Increased androgen (male hormone) levels, such as those of testosterone, can cause symptoms like:
  • Acne: Increased androgen levels have been linked to acne and greasy skin.MARRIAGE
  • Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth in places like the chest, back, or other places where it usually occurs in men.
  • Male pattern Baldness: Thinning hair on the scalp, often known as male-pattern baldness.
  1. Skin changes: In addition to hirsutism and acne, some people may have darkened skin on their necks, groins, or under their breasts, among other skin changes.
  2. Weight gain: Many people with PCOS/PCOD experience weight gain or have trouble losing weight. Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD can also worsen if you gain weight.
  3. Fatigue and mood changes: Some people with PCOS/PCOD might experience mood swings, anxiety, or depression.

So if anyone experiences any of the above symptoms then they should some analysis in order to confirm if they have PCOS/PCOD.


Causes of PCOS/PCOD:

Basically PCOS/PCOD is caused due to hormonal imbalances. These hormonal imbalances are caused due to ten modern lifestyle root causes. They are:

  1. Food Related Causes- inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance
  2. Exercise Related Causes : Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat
  3. Sleep Related -Causes Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep)
  4. Stress Related Causes – Chronic Stress

So due to these root causes hormone levels may be altered leading to hormonal imbalances.


Potential problems of PCOD that may arise after marriage:

PCOS/PCOD is a hormonal disorder that can continue to pose challenges after marriage. While the particular impacts vary from person to person, the following are 10 probable PCOS/PCOD concerns that may emerge after marriage:

  1. Fertility Issues: PCOS/PCOD can cause irregular ovulation or anovulation, making it difficult for those having the condition to conceive. This can present difficulties for couples attempting to create a family thereby creating problems after marriage.
  1. Menstrual Irregularities: PCOS/PCOD frequently causes irregular or nonexistent menstrual periods. These irregular menstrual periods can create in a marriage life i.e., it interfere with family planning and make predicting fertile windows difficult.
  1. Hormonal Imbalances: The dynamics of relationship in a marriage life can be impacted by hormonal variations in PCOS/PCOD, which can cause mood swings, impatience, and emotional anguish.
  2. Weight management challenges: PCOS/PCOD is linked to weight increase and problems reducing weight. Couples shared concerns about weight management might cause stress and strained relationships after marriage.
  1. Acne and Skin Problems: Hormonal imbalances in PCOS/ PCOD can cause acne and other skin issues, which can be detrimental to one’s self-esteem and intimacy in marriage life.
  1. Hair Growth and Hair Loss: PCOS/PCOD is frequently accompanied by excessive hair growth (hirsutism) as well as hair loss (alopecia). Self-confidence and intimate relationships may suffer as a result of these changes.
  1. Intimacy and sexual dysfunction: Sexual satisfaction and closeness between partners in their marriage life can be impacted by PCOS/PCOD-related symptoms like discomfort during sex, vaginal dryness, and mental anguish.MARRIAGE
  1. Emotional Stress: The emotional strain of managing PCOS/PCOD, its symptoms, and fertility issues can wreak havoc on both couples’ emotional health and the marriage.
  1. Healthcare Costs: Managing PCOS/PCOD frequently entails doctor visits, tests, and treatments, which can be expensive for couples and possibly cause stress and arguments in their marriage life.
  1. Communication Obstacles: Working through PCOS/PCOD-related concerns with a spouse involves honest and open communication on both sides. Misunderstandings and tension in the marriage relationship might result from a lack of awareness of the issue or from poor communication.

It’s crucial to remember that while PPCOS/COD can cause these difficulties, not everyone will experience them. Many people with PCOD can successfully manage these concerns and maintain happy marriage life with the right lifestyle changes, and emotional support. Seeking proper guidance and help is essential if you or someone you know is struggling with PCOS/PCOD-related issues.


How can we treat PCOS/PCOD?

Basically PCOS/PCOD can be treated in two ways artificial i.e., through medication or the other way is through natural means.

Through Medication:

Now-a-days everyone prefers medication to treat PCOS/PCOD as it is efficient. Medication just addresses the symptoms and not the underlying causes of the problem, thus it only provides short-term relief.

Further all the types of birth control pills have side effects. Most common side effects are;

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Breast tenderness
  • Possible weigh gain or loss
  • A mild rise in blood pressure etc
  • Mood changes
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Vaginal discharge changes


Through natural means:

PCOS/PCOD can be treated naturally instead of medication. Yes, you heard it right. PCOS/PCOD is caused through hormonal imbalances and if we can balance the hormones naturally then PCOS/PCOD can be reversed. There are 5 strategies that one should adopt to treat PCOS/PCOD naturally.

  1. Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.
  1. Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.MARRIAGE
  1. Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.
  1. Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  1. Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


To sum up, adopting healthy eating habits and placing a priority on your physical and mental health can naturally reverse PCOS/PCOD by regulating your hormones. This way we can prevent the problems that are raised due to PCOS/PCOD in a women’s marriage life.



PCOS stands for poly cystic ovarian syndrome is hormonal disorder. Now-a-days it is seen to exist in most of the women including celebrities.Many tollywood and bollywood celebrities have gone through this disorder and shared their journey to overcome this condition.

Basically PCOS is caused due to unhealthy eating habits and modern life style. There are ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalances related to PCOS:

  1. Food Related Causes- inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance
  2. Exercise Related Causes : Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat
  3. Sleep Related -Causes Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep)
  4. Stress Related Causes – Chronic Stress

So due to these root causes one may experience this condition of PCOS. This kind of lifestyle is common in any one be it common people or celebrities. However due to one’s profession there might be higher chances of having this condition.

How lifestyle factors can contribute to PCOS risk among celebrities?

  1. Diet: Due to the demands of their occupations, many celebrities feel pressure to maintain a certain body or adhere to strict diets. Poor dietary decisions can contribute to insulin resistance and hormonal imbalances, both of which are linked to PCOS. Examples include consuming a lot of processed meals, sugary snacks, and unhealthy fats.
  2. Weight fluctuations: Weight swings are common among celebrities because their jobs frequently force them to put on or lose weight quickly. Extreme dieting and rapid weight loss might disturb hormonal balance and hasten PCOS development.
  3. Stress: The entertainment profession may be very stressful due to the hectic schedules, continual travel, and public scrutiny. Chronic stress raises the risk of PCOS by affecting insulin sensitivity and causing hormonal abnormalities.
  4. Physical exercise: Limited time for routine physical activity may result from busy schedules. Lack of exercise can increase insulin resistance, a typical symptom of PCOS, and cause weight gain.
  5. Sleep patterns: Circadian rhythms can be disrupted by erratic sleep schedules caused by work demands, time zone changes, and other circumstances. Sleep deprivation has been linked to hormonal abnormalities and insulin resistance, potentially raising the risk of PCOS.
  6. Substance Abuse: Some celebrities may abuse substances such as alcohol and drugs. Substance abuse can have an impact on hormone levels and metabolic function, potentially contributing to the development of PCOS.
  7. Use of Medication: Some drugs, such as those for managing weight or hormonal birth control, can affect hormonal balance and possibly affect the risk of PCOS. Due to their lifestyle and medical requirements, celebrities may be exposed to a wide range of drugs.
  8. Environmental Exposures: Celebrities frequently travel and are exposed to a variety of surroundings, which may involve substances that disturb the endocrine system. These substances may affect how hormones are regulated and raise the risk of PCOS.
  9. Hormonal Birth Control: In order to plan their families or to control their menstrual cycles, certain celebrities may utilize hormonal birth control. Although it can hide underlying hormonal imbalances and postpone diagnosis, birth control can help manage PCOS symptoms.

It’s important to remember that not everyone who lives a celebrity lifestyle will experience these lifestyle characteristics, and not everyone who does so will get PCOS. Each person’s experience with PCOS is different because it is a complex condition that is influenced by a number of factors.


Celebrities who have gone through PCOS?

There are many Indian actresses who have gone through PCOS and few of them even shared their journey in beating the PCOS. Let’s see some of their stories:

  1. Sara Ali Khan: Young Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan has been open about her experience with PCOS. She revealed that the issue was discovered in her at a young age. She put on weight as a result of PCOS, and she also had other symptoms that made her feel insecure. Finding a balance between her physical and mental health has been Sara’s goal throughout her journey. CELEBRITIESShe leads a healthy lifestyle that combines working exercise, eating a balanced meal, and drinking enough of water. Additionally, she does yoga and keeps a positive outlook about her body.
  2. Disha Patani: Another Bollywood actress, Disha Patani, has spoken about her PCOS experience. She said that when she was a teenager, a diagnosis was made. Disha experienced problems like weight gain and hormonal irregularities, just as many other people with PCOS.Disha follows a rigid workout regimen in order to control her PCOS. She prioritizes flexibility exercises, cardio activities, and strength training. She also keeps an eye on her diet, making sure it contains wholesome meals and steers clear of processed stuff.
  1. Sonam Kapoor:  Popular Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor has openly discussed her PCOS difficulties. She disclosed that at the age of 14, she received a PCOS diagnosis. She suffered from PCOS, which had an impact on both her physical and emotional health. Sonam has said that the disease caused her to gain weight, get acne, and have mood swings. CELEBRITIESSonam Kapoor has a comprehensive strategy to control her PCOS. She follows a strict eating plan and works exercise into her daily regimen. She also takes the medication that her physicians have advised. Sonam highlights the value of accepting one’s physical appearance and feeling at ease with oneself despite obstacles.
  2. Kriti Sanon: Kriti Sanon is an Indian actress who is a predominant name in the Hindi film industry. Although she hasn’t spoken about her PCOS as publicly as some others, there have been rumors that Kriti Sanon has.
  3. Shruthi Hasan: Shruthi Hasan is an Indian actress who appears in Telugu, Hindi and Tamil films. She has also experienced PCOS which she has spoken out in her Instagram page in 2020. She mentioned that she has been facing some of the worst hormonal issues due to PCOS and endometriosis. CELEBRITIESShe further mentioned her experience saying that “Women know it’s a tough fight with imbalance and bloating and metabolic challenges, but instead of looking at it as a fight I choose to accept it as a natural movement that my body goes through to do its best. And I say Thankyou by eating right, sleeping well, and enjoying my workouts. I’m sorry if I sound a little preachy, but accepting these problems and not letting them define me has been such a journey”.

These are the celebrities who have openly discussed about their PCOS experience. However many other celebrities who have diagnosed with PCOS didn’t choose to speak it out in public.

Hence it is clear celebrities who have diagnosed with PCOS have overcome the condition by taking right measures like eating right and maintaining a healthy life style.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be achieved by adopting the 5 pillar strategy which helps to manage the hormonal balances which is the root cause for PCOS.

The 5 pillar strategy to reverse PCOS naturally: 
  1. Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.
  1. Move More:Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.
  1. Breathe Aware:As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.
  1. Sleep Better:Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  1. Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.

 By adopting the above strategies any woman including celebrities can reverse PCOS naturally without any side effects. It also helps in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

“Decoding Delayed Periods: Could PCOS Be a Factor?”

delayed period

A delayed period occurs when a woman’s menstrual cycle does not follow its normal rhythm and the expected period does not occur on time. This delay could be caused by a variety of circumstances, including

  • Stress
  • Weight changes
  • Hormone fluctuations
  • Illness
  • Pregnancy
  • Medical condition
  • Perimenopause
  • Medications

Having a delayed period once in a while may not be a huge deal, but having a delayed period every month may trigger PCOS. So if you have delayed period every month you have to check if you have PCOS.

How to know if you have PCOS?

It is best to determine whether you have any of the following PCOS symptoms if your periods are delayed:

  1. Irregular menstrual cycles
  2. Excessive hair growth
  3. Acne
  4. Weight gain
  5. Fatigue and mood changes

If you have any of the above listed symptoms there are pretty chances that you might have PCOS. Now let’s understand how PCOS cause delayed periods.

Factors showing that PCOS might be the reason for a delayed period:

PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal disorder that is caused due to hormonal imbalances. The most common symptom of PCOS is irregular periods which include delayed or missed periods.

Here’s how PCOS may be the cause of a missed period is as follows:

  1. Hormonal imbalances: PCOS is distinguished by increased levels of androgens (male hormones) and insulin resistance. The normal functioning of the menstrual cycle is disrupted by this hormone imbalance. The hormones luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which govern ovulation and menstruation, might be disrupted, resulting in irregular or missing ovulation.
  1. Anovulation: Anovulation is the absence of ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovaries). Ovulation is a critical step in a regular menstrual cycle for the release of an egg and the subsequent loss of the uterine lining during menstruation. Anovulation is frequent in PCOS, and it can result in missed or delayed periods. 
  1. Ovarian Cysts: Contrary to popular belief, not all patients with PCOS have cysts on their ovaries. However, some people may develop tiny cysts as a result of follicles that do not mature normally and become trapped in the ovaries. These follicles might clump together and form cysts, contributing to unpredictable ovulation and menstrual periods.Delayed period
  1. Delayed Follicle Maturation: In a typical menstrual cycle, a follicle containing an egg forms and matures in the ovary until it is ready for ovulation. This maturation process can be disturbed in PCOS, resulting in delayed or incomplete follicle formation. Ovulation does not occur in the absence of a developed follicle, resulting in a missed period. 
  1. Endometrial Changes: The endometrium is the uterine lining that thickens during the menstrual cycle to prepare for a possible pregnancy. If ovulation does not occur, the hormone progesterone is not produced adequately.

    Progesterone is in charge of keeping the uterine lining in place. In the absence of progesterone, the endometrial lining can thicken and become fragile, resulting in unpredictable bleeding patterns and missed periods.

  1. Chronic Inflammation: PCOS is frequently accompanied with low-grade chronic inflammation. Inflammatory signals can disrupt hormone signaling, which is required for regular ovulation and menstruation.

So now as we know how PCOS might result in delayed periods, let’s understand what the complications of delayed periods.


What are the complications of delayed periods?

Having delayed periods indicates that something is amiss with your system hence it is important to treat them. The following are the difficulties induced by delayed periods.

  • Anxiety & Stress: Delays in periods can cause anxiety and stress because people may worry about underlying health conditions, particularly if pregnancy is a possibility. Emotional pain may be exacerbated by the ambiguity around the reason for the delay.
  • Inability to Conceive: If you’re having trouble becoming pregnant, irregular or delayed periods can make it harder to correctly track ovulation and identify the days that are the most fertile.
  • Hormonal Imbalance: Prolonged irregular cycles, including missed periods, may point to a hormonal condition such polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which may need to be treated medically.
  • Health monitoring: Regular menstrual cycles frequently act as a sign of general hormonal and reproductive health. Delay periods might make it challenging to monitor developments and spot possible issues.
  • Endometrial Health: An extended interval between menstrual cycles may have an impact on the endometrium’s condition, which may result in irregular or severe bleeding when periods do occur.
  • Management of Medication: The menstrual cycle is used as a scheduling factor for some drugs or therapies. The timing and efficacy of these therapies may be altered by delayed periods.
  • Quality of Life: Discomfort, uncertainty, and frustration can be brought on by irregular or delayed periods, which can affect a person’s general quality of life.


Therefore, it is critical to treat them in order to eliminate all of these issues brought on by delayed periods. In reality, managing delayed periods entails treating PCOS, which is their underlying cause. Because treating the underlying cause is the best solution to prevent any problem.


How to treat delayed periods by treating PCOS?

Delayed periods which are caused due to PCOS can be treated by treating PCOS i.e., by reversing PCOS.

There are ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalances related to PCOS:

  1. Food Related Causes- inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance
  2. Exercise Related Causes : Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat
  3. Sleep Related -Causes Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep)
  4. Stress Related Causes – Chronic Stress

Now these root causes should be treated in order to reverse PCOS. The best method to reverse PCOS is to treat it naturally. To reverse PCOS naturally, there is a 5 pillar strategy adapting which can help to reverse PCOS naturally.

5 Pillar strategies to treat PCOS thereby preventing delayed periods:

So let’s discuss how PCOS can be treated naturally through 5 pillars of a holistic lifestyle:

  1. Eat Right:

Be careful about when and what you eat. Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honour nature’s wisdom. Increase consumption of this type of food can improve insulin sensitivity and digestion.

Avoiding specific foods including fried and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, drinks, alcohol, and caffeine aids in managing PCOS. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.

Your body is best at digesting when you are active and when there is sunlight. Thus eating or drinking when your body wants you to sleep and when its dark disrupts the system and compromises the metabolism. So it’s important to stop midnight snacking. Adapt to a consistent daily eating window of only 12 hours say 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

  1. Move More:

Begin a journey of holistic lifestyle improvements in which staying active is more than just exercise. Constant activity throughout the day promotes epigenetic expression and hormonal homeostasis. To unlock the power of epigenetic triggers, engage in joyful physical activities, dance, or simply meditative walks.

  1. Breathe Aware:

As we learn more about Pranayama, or the science of breathing, we get access to a powerful gateway for supporting gland function and hormone balance. We transcend the commonplace and boost our hormonal wellbeing by harnessing the breath’s epigenetic power.delayed period

  1. Sleep Better:

Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of YogNidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.

  1. Mind Free:

Explore the realms of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where writing, gratitude, and emotional practices serve as our compass. We empower our hormonal landscape by embracing epigenetic intelligence and shifting our story from stress to serenity.


Hence Following these 5 integrated natural ways to treat PCOS has zero side effects and also contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Thus PCOS can be reversed which aids in preventing delayed periods.

Relationships and PCOS: From Intimacy to Communication


Relationships are essential no matter what the challenge is, whether it is mental or physical. For eg: conditions like PCOS influence relationships in different ways due to its effect on the physical, emotional and psychological well-being of individuals.

Firstly let’s understand what PCOS is ?

The general perception of PCOS is that it is a complex issue and that is made even more complex by our use of medical terminology. But if presented in everyday terms, it is simple to understand.

The ovary is one of the woman’s reproductive organs. Millions of eggs are present in the ovary, and since the ovary produces eggs throughout a woman’s lifetime, she will never run out of eggs. These immature eggs are kept in follicles.

Every month, one free egg is released into the fallopian tube; if this egg fertilizes, you are pregnant; if it does not, menstruation should result. In women with PCOS, however, this does not occur; the egg will not get fertilized and the immature egg will not mature and will instead remain as a cyst on the ovaries as a result of hormonal imbalances.

What are the causes of hormonal imbalances?

There are ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalances related to PCOS:

  1. Food Related Causes- inflammation, toxicity, acidity, excess male hormones, insulin resistance
  2. Exercise-Related Causes : Sedentary lifestyle, lack of muscle strength, excess ovarian fat
  3. Sleep-Related -Causes Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep)
  4. Stress-Related Causes – Chronic Stress

As a result of the aforementioned factors of modern lifestyle, women develop hormonal abnormalities, which lead to PCOS. As a result, having this condition may have an impact on one’s personal life, making it more difficult to manage the condition.

How PCOS may affect relationships?

Due to its physical symptoms, fertility issues, and emotional swings, PCOS can cause relationships to suffer. To navigate its impact as a group, communication, empathy, and support are essential.

Here are some effects:

  1. Emotional and mental health: PCOS can cause hormonal abnormalities, which can lead to mood swings, anxiety, despair, and irritability. These emotional swings may influence how a person interacts with their relationship, resulting in misunderstandings and disagreements. It may be difficult for partners to negotiate these mood swings and provide the required emotional support.
  1. Body Image and Self-Esteem: PCOS can induce weight gain, acne, and excessive hair growth, all of which can have an impact on self-esteem and body image. Individuals with PCOS may experience low self-esteem, which can contribute to insecurities in their romantic relationships. They may perceive themselves as less desirable or beautiful, which may affect their openness and comfort with their relationship.
  1. Intimacy and Sexuality: Due to hormonal imbalances and physical discomfort induced by symptoms such as pain during sex, PCOS can cause changes in libido. This can have an impact on the sexual dynamics of a relationship, potentially leading to frustration and decreased closeness.


  1. Fertility Issues: PCOS is a leading cause of female infertility. Dealing with fertility issues can be emotionally draining for both parties. The stress and strain of infertility can strain a relationship and lead to feelings of disappointment, remorse, and frustration.
  1. Communication: Dealing with a chronic disease like PCOS necessitates efficient communication between spouses. Miscommunications might occur if one partner does not completely comprehend the physical and emotional elements of PCOS. Feelings of neglect or lack of support may result from a lack of open communication.
  1. Changes in Lifestyle and Routine: Managing PCOS frequently entails adopting healthier lifestyle choices, such as dietary and activity modifications. These changes can occasionally interrupt routines and social activities, potentially affecting shared activities and quality time spent together.
  1. Support and Understanding: Partners who do not understand PCOS may say or do things that are upsetting or dismissive. Partners who educate themselves and provide emotional support might help ease some of the emotional challenges associated with PCOS.

How to address the effects PCOS has on relationships?

Even though PCOS affects relationships in many ways we can always solve those issues through communication and co-operation with our partner.

Here are a few steps to address the relationship issues due to PCOS:

  1. Communication: It is critical to communicate openly and honestly. Ascertain that your partner is aware of PCOS, its symptoms, and how it impacts you both physically and emotionally. This will allow them to better understand and sympathize with you.
  1. Educate: Encourage your spouse to learn more about PCOS. The more they understand, the better they will be able to sympathize and provide appropriate support.
  1. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle Together: If your PCOS symptoms are interfering with your self-esteem or body image, consider adopting a healthy lifestyle together. Regular exercise and a well-balanced diet can help you manage PCOS and increase your self-esteem.
  1. Include Your Partner in Treatment: If you’re having PCOS treatment, include your partner in the process. This can assist them in comprehending the steps you’re doing and making them feel like an active participant in your trip.
  1. Patience and Understanding: Patience and understanding are required in relationships since PCOS symptoms can be distressing and unexpected. When dealing with mood swings, weight fluctuations, and other issues, both partners should exercise patience and understanding. 
  1. Support Each Other: Remember that partnerships are a collaborative effort. Just as you would expect your partner to support you, you should also support them when they confront difficulties in their lives. Mutual support might help to build your relationship.
  1. Stress Management: Stress can aggravate PCOS symptoms. Find healthy ways to deal with stress jointly, such as practising mindfulness, deep breathing techniques, or participating in activities that you both like.
  1. Set realistic expectations: Recognize that managing PCOS is a journey, and that progress is not always linear. Be gentle with yourself and your spouse as you go through the ups and downs.
  1. Maintain Intimacy: PCOS symptoms can have an impact on libido and sexual function. It is critical to have open dialogues about intimacy, express your wants, and collaborate to sustain a fulfilling physical connection.RELATIONSHIP
  1. Celebrate Small Wins: Recognize your progress in treating PCOS symptoms. This can include weight loss, improved mood, better hair and skin management, and other benefits. Recognizing these successes jointly can help to improve your relationships.

This way, one can address any relationship concerns that may arise as a result of PCOS. Further, the below 5 pillar strategy explains how PCOS can be reversed naturally by balancing hormones.

The 5-pillar strategy to reverse PCOS naturally:


  1. Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honour nature’s wisdom. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health.
  1. Move More: Embark on a journey of holistic lifestyle changes, where staying active transcends mere exercise. Embracing constant movement throughout the day optimizes epigenetic expression, igniting hormonal balance. Engage in pleasurable physical activities, dance, or even mindful walks to unlock the power of epigenetic triggers.
  1. Breathe Aware: As we deepen our understanding of Pranayama, the science of breath, we access a profound gateway to support gland function and harmonize hormones. Harnessing the breath’s epigenetic influence, we transcend the ordinary and elevate our hormonal well-being.
  1. Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of Yog Nidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.RELATIONSHIP
  1. Mind Free: Journey into the realm of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices become our guiding compass. Embracing epigenetic intelligence, we shift our narrative from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.


By adopting the above 5 strategies in day-to-day life one can reverse PCOS naturally. So as an understanding and co-operating partner in a healthy relationship, one should help his partner to adopt the above strategies and follow them consistently to have the result they are hoping for.



A headache is a common health condition characterized by pain or discomfort in the head or upper neck region. Headaches vary in severity, duration, and location, and are caused by a variety of circumstances. Tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches, and sinus headaches are among the many types of headaches.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that affects the ovaries, causing irregular menstrual cycles, increased levels of androgens (male hormones), and the formation of tiny cysts on the ovaries.

While PCOS is not known to cause headaches directly, there are a few indirect ways in which PCOS may contribute to headaches. Individual experiences may differ, and not everyone with PCOS will experience headaches as a side effect.


How PCOS contribute to headaches?

As discussed above even though PCOS doesn’t cause headaches directly it may indirectly contribute to headaches. Let’s see the potential connections between PCOS & Headaches:

  1. Hormonal imbalance:

Insulin resistance and high levels of androgens (male hormones) are two features of PCOS that indicate a hormonal imbalance in the sex hormones. Hormonal changes can affect a number of body systems, including the vascular system and those that control pain perception. In certain people, changes in hormone levels may result in headaches.

  1. Menstrual irregularities:

Many people with PCOS have irregular menstrual cycles or even amenorrhea (period absence). Hormonal variations associated with these irregular cycles may contribute to headache development, as changes in hormone levels can affect blood vessel dilatation and inflammation, both of which are related with headache onset.

  1. Obesity:

Many persons with PCOS have difficulty managing their weight, and obesity is widespread in this community. Excess weight can cause hormonal imbalances and inflammation, which have both been related to headaches. Obesity-related diseases such as sleep apnea might further raise the risk of headache development.

  1. Inflammation and Oxidative Stress:

Oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation are frequently present in PCOS patients. These elements may cause headaches by influencing blood vessels and nerve pathways involved in pain perception.

  1. Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar Fluctuations:

Insulin resistance is a defining feature of PCOS. Some people experience headaches when their blood sugar levels shift quickly, such as hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or postprandial hyperglycemia (high blood sugar after meals).

  1. Stress and Mental Health:


Coping with the difficulties of PCOS, such as reproductive worries, body image issues, and symptom management, can contribute to increased stress and associated mental health problems. Stress and some mood disorders are proven headache triggers in vulnerable persons.

Does PCOS treatment leads to headaches?

Not just being diagnosed by PCOS has headaches as its side effects but some people may also experience headaches as a side effect of PCOS treatment. However the later one depends on the type of medication that is being used. For instance:

  1. Birth control pills :

Hormonal birth control tablets are frequently administered to PCOS patients to regulate menstrual cycles and treat hormone abnormalities. While some people may have headaches as a result of hormonal birth control, this is not a universal response.

  1. Metformin:

In people with PCOS, metformin is frequently used to increase insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels. Although they are not a frequent metformin side effect, headaches might happen to certain people.

  1. Clomiphene Citrate:

This medicine is frequently used to promote ovulation in PCOS women who are attempting to conceive. Headaches are not a well-known clomiphene citrate adverse effect.

  1. Spironolactone:

Spironolactone is occasionally used to treat PCOS symptoms such as acne and excessive hair growth. While headaches are not a typical adverse effect, they might occur.

Therefore, some people who use medication to treat PCOS may develop headaches as a side effect like explained above.

However, there are numerous additional potential side effects of medicine, including:

  • Nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Possible weigh gain or loss
  • A mild rise in blood pressure etc
  • Mood changes
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Vaginal discharge changes etc.

Hence treating PCOS with medicine is not the ideal option because it has many adverse effects, as discussed above, and it also does not address the fundamental cause of the problem, thus the treatment is not permanent.

So to solve a problem we should first identify the root causes.

Root causes of PCOS:

PCOS is hormonal disorder which is causes basically due to hormonal imbalances. So finding the root cause of these hormonal imbalances helps us to treat PCOS.


There are ten modern lifestyle root causes for hormonal imbalances related to PCOS:

Food related root Causes:

  1. Food toxicity: Foods high in additives, preservatives, and chemicals can contribute to hormone imbalances by altering the endocrine system.
  2. Inflammation: Diets high in processed foods, sweets, and bad fats can cause the body to become more acidic and inflammatory, disrupting the body’s hormonal balance. HEADACHES
  3. A lack of micronutrients in our diet: Because these nutrients are essential for a variety of hormonal actions, a lack of critical vitamins and minerals may interfere with hormone balance.
  4. Insulin resistance: Meals with a high glycemic index can promote insulin resistance: Eating meals with a high glycemic index can create insulin resistance, which affects hormone levels, particularly insulin and androgens.
  5. Excess male hormones: Eating foods high in chemicals, steroids, or hormone-disrupting components may result in an increase in male hormones (androgens), which may contribute to hormonal disorders.

Exercise Related Causes:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle: It involves spending most of one’s time sitting down: Excessive sitting and a lack of exercise can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalance.
  2. Excess body fat over the ovaries: Insulin resistance and inflammation brought on by excess body fat, especially in the area of the belly, may be linked to hormonal irregularities.
  3. Lack of muscle mass: Lack of physical exercise and muscle mass can affect insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance in general.

Sleep related root causes:

  1. Poor sleep quality (Lack of Deep Sleep): Poor or insufficient sleep can throw off the body’s hormonal balance, especially the hormones that control hunger and stress (leptin and ghrelin).

Stress related root causes:  

  1. Chronic Stress: Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress can cause the dysregulation of various hormones, including cortisol, upsetting the body’s overall hormonal balance.

Due to above mentioned root causes one can have hormonal imbalances which in turn result in PCOS. Now this root causes can be treated if one can maintain a healthy lifestyle. For this few changes in eating habits and life style is required.

This process is nothing but treating PCOS naturally which has no side effects. By treating PCOS naturally headaches caused due to this disorder can be prevented easily.

Let’s see the natural treatment of PCOS:

This involves a 5 pillar strategy one should adopt in their day-to-day life.

  1. Eat Right: Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honour nature’s wisdom. Increase consumption of this type of food can improve insulin sensitivity and digestion. Avoiding specific foods including fried and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, drinks, alcohol, and caffeine aids in managing PCOS. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health. Your body is best at digesting when you are active and when there is sunlight. Thus eating or drinking when your body wants you to sleep and when it’s dark disrupts the system and compromises the metabolism. So it’s important to stop midnight snacking. Adapt to a consistent daily eating window of only 12 hours say 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.HEADACHES
  1. Move More: Begin a journey of holistic lifestyle improvements in which staying active is more than just exercise. Constant activity throughout the day promotes epigenetic expression and hormonal homeostasis. To unlock the power of epigenetic triggers, engage in joyful physical activities, dance, or simply meditative walks.
  1. Breathe Aware: As we learn more about Pranayama, or the science of breathing, we get access to a powerful gateway for supporting gland function and hormone balance. We transcend the commonplace and boost our hormonal wellbeing by harnessing the breath’s epigenetic power.
  1. Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of YogNidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  1. Mind Free: Explore the realms of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where writing, gratitude, and emotional practices serve as our compass. We empower our hormonal landscape by embracing epigenetic intelligence and shifting our story from stress to serenity.


In conclusion the best method to treat any problem is to treat the cause and not the symptoms. Thereby treating PCOS is the solution for the headaches caused due to PCOS. Further the method we use for treatment is also important as few treatments even though seem to be effective initially will have side effects later. Hence treating PCOS naturally is the advised instead of medication as the later one has various side effects.

PCOS Treatment: Heal permanently instead of repairing rapidly

PCOS treatment

PCOS stands for polycystic ovarian syndrome. The general perception of PCOS is too complex and PCOS treatment is not permanent but in real PCOS treatment is permanent if it is treated naturally. Before understanding the types of PCOS treatment we have to understand why PCOS occurs in the first place. So let’s see the causes of PCOS.


Causes of PCOS: 

We already learned that PCOS is a hormonal disorder and is caused due to hormonal imbalances. There are 10 root causes for hormonal imbalances due to modern lifestyle.

  • Food-related root causes :
  1. High toxicity in the food we consume: Foods heavy in additives, preservatives, and chemicals can contribute to hormone abnormalities by influencing the endocrine system. 
  1. Acidity and inflammation caused by unhealthy food we consume: High-processed food, sugar- and unhealthy-fat diets can cause the body to become more acidic and inflammatory, which can throw off the body’s hormonal balance. 
  1. Lack of micronutrients in the food we consume: Because these nutrients are crucial for a number of hormonal activities, inadequate intake of vital vitamins and minerals might interfere with the control of hormones.
  1. High Glycemic load food we consume which causes insulin resistance: Consuming foods with a high glycemic index can cause insulin resistance, which changes hormone levels, particularly insulin and androgens. 
  1. Increase in male hormones due to consumption of chemicals/steroids in food: Eating meals high in chemicals, steroids, or hormone-disrupting compounds might cause an increase in male hormones (androgens), contributing to hormonal abnormalities.
  •  Exercise-related root causes : 
  1. Sedentary lifestyle – mostly sitting all the time: Prolonged sitting and a lack of physical activity can contribute to weight gain, insulin resistance, and hormonal imbalance. 
  1. Excess fat over the ovaries: Excess body fat, particularly around the abdomen, might contribute to hormonal abnormalities by causing inflammation and insulin resistance. 
  1. Lack of muscle strength: A lack of muscular strength and physical activity can have an impact on insulin sensitivity and overall hormonal control. 
  • Sleep-related root cause :

       1. Poor quality of sleep: Inadequate or poor-quality sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, influencing stress (cortisol) and appetite (leptin and ghrelin) hormones in particular.

  • Stress-related root cause :
  1. Excessive and chronic stressful state: Prolonged exposure to high amounts of stress can result in the dysregulation of many hormones, including cortisol, disrupting the body’s general hormonal balance.PCOS treatment

PCOS Treatment through medication & its Side effects :

 Nowadays everyone prefers medication to treat PCOS as it is efficient. Medication just addresses the symptoms and not the underlying causes of the problem, thus it only provides short-term relief.

Types of Medication for PCOS Treatment:

  • Birth Control Pills: Oral contraceptives can reduce testosterone levels, regulate menstrual cycles, and alleviate symptoms including acne and excessive hair growth.
  • Anti-Androgen Medications: Drugs that block the effects of increased androgens include anti-androgens. For the treatment of conditions including acne and excessive hair growth, spironolactone is frequently given. 
  • Metformin: Metformin is frequently prescribed to PCOS patients who have insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. Metformin can aid with blood sugar regulation and may enhance menstrual regularity and ovulation. 
  • Clomiphene Citrate: This medicine induces ovulation and is often used to assist people with PCOS in becoming pregnant. It is frequently used as a first-line medication for PCOS-related reproductive difficulties.
  • Letrozole (Femara): Similar to Clomiphene, Letrozole is another medication used to induce ovulation in women with PCOS.
  • Gonadotropins: In some cases, injectable hormones called gonadotropins might be used to stimulate ovulation.

 Common side effects of PCOS treatment through medication: 

Almost all types of birth control pills have side effects. The most common side effects are;

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Breast tenderness
  • Possible weight gain or loss
  • A mild rise in blood pressure
  • Mood changes
  • Irregular bleeding
  • Blood clots
  • Vaginal discharge

As a result, despite its effectiveness, PCOS treatment with medication is not recommended due to the possibility of the above negative effects.

PCOS treatment through natural means:

PCOS can be treated naturally instead of medication. Yes, you heard it right. PCOS is caused by hormonal imbalances and if we can balance the hormones naturally then PCOS can be reversed. Epigenetics helps us understand better. Think of genes as a gun and trigger lifestyle and environmental factors. The gun symbolizes our genetic potential, while the trigger represents signals from our choices and environment that influence gene expression. By regulating our lifestyle and environment, we can positively impact gene expression and address the root causes of PCOS.

Hence let’s see how one can heal from PCOS permanently by natural PCOS treatment. As we previously discussed, hormonal imbalances are the root cause of PCOS, and these imbalances are brought on by factors relating to food, exercise, stress, and sleep. To reverse PCOS, we must implement strategies that are likely to improve hormonal balance.

So let’s discuss how PCOS can be treated naturally through 5 pillars of a holistic lifestyle:

  1. Eat Right: Be careful about when and what you eat. Embrace living, water-rich, whole, plant-based foods that nurture our genetic potential. By opting for local and seasonal choices, we honor nature’s wisdom. Increase consumption of this type of food can improve insulin sensitivity and digestion. Avoiding specific foods including fried and processed foods, refined carbohydrates, drinks, alcohol, and caffeine aids in managing PCOS. Eliminating packaged and processed foods liberates us from epigenetic imprints, elevating our hormonal health. Your body is best at digesting when you are active and when there is sunlight. Thus eating or drinking when your body wants you to sleep and when it’s dark disrupts the system and compromises the metabolism. So it’s important to stop midnight snacking. Adapt to a consistent daily eating window of only 12 hours say 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.PCOS Treatment
  1. Move More: Begin a journey of holistic lifestyle improvements in which staying active is more than just exercise. Constant activity throughout the day promotes epigenetic expression and hormonal homeostasis. To unlock the power of epigenetic triggers, engage in joyful physical activities, dance, or simply meditative walks.
  1. Breathe Aware: As we learn more about Pranayama or the science of breathing, we get access to a powerful gateway for supporting gland function and hormone balance. We transcend the commonplace and boost our hormonal well-being by harnessing the breath’s epigenetic power.
  1. Sleep Better: Unlock the secrets of deep sleep, a transformative practice for healing and regeneration. With the art of YogNidra, we embrace epigenetic potential, unearthing hormonal harmony in the realm of dreams. Rejuvenate your entire being through this exquisite dance with the epigenetic clock.
  1. Mind Free: Explore the realms of emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience, where writing, gratitude, and emotional practices serve as our compass. We empower our hormonal landscape by embracing epigenetic intelligence and shifting our story from stress to serenity.


Hence Following these 5 integrated natural ways to treat PCOS has zero side effects and also contributes to a healthy lifestyle. This way PCOS treatment can be done naturally without using medication.

Scanty Periods and Stress: Unpacking the Biological Mechanisms

What are Scanty Periods?

Scanty periods mean light periods also known as hypomenorrhoea. These are menstrual cycles characterized by abnormally light or diminished menstrual flow. Women who have scanty periods may have shorter or lighter periods, with little or no blood flow.

Hormonal imbalances, stress, nutritional deficiencies, certain drugs, or underlying health conditions can all contribute to this disease. If you are concerned about menstruation changes, it is critical to visit a healthcare physician for thorough examination and management.

Stress and hormonal imbalances can also induce light or scanty periods in addition to irregular periods, heavy periods, and PCOS.


What is stress and how it is caused?

Stress is the body’s physiological and psychological reaction to pressures or difficulties that are greater than one’s capacity to handle them. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released as a result of it, causing the “fight or flight” reaction. Chronic or long-term stress can have detrimental impacts on health, hurting both physical and emotional well-being.

Factors that cause stress:  

  • Health issues: Stress and anxiety can be brought on by long-term diseases, injuries, or persistent health issues.
  • Work-related factors: High workloads, rushed deadlines, a lack of control over activities, and demanding work settings are all variables at work that can cause stress.
  • Financial strains: Debt, unstable finances, or the worry of financial difficulty can all lead to stress.
  • Personal challenges: Relationship problems, money problems, and significant life events (such as relocation or divorce) can all be quite stressful.
  • Traumatic events: Being exposed to a traumatic event or witnessing a traumatic incident can cause continuing stress.
  • Time constraints: Being under pressure to finish work quickly can be stressful.
  • Environmental stressors: Stress can be exacerbated by noisy, crowded, or uncomfortable living or working conditions.
  • Lack of social support: Stress can be made worse by isolation and a lack of moral support from friends, family, or coworkers.
  • Uncertainty and change: Dealing with unforeseen circumstances or major life transitions can be stressful.
  • Perfectionism: The pursuit of unattainable goals and a fear of failure can result in perfectionism.


How stress can cause scanty periods?

Stress affects the body’s hormonal equilibrium, which can result in irregular periods. Stress chemicals like cortisol, which are released by the brain while under stress and can interfere with the reproductive system’s regular operation. This may result in menstrual cycle anomalies, which may impact ovulation and slow the formation of the uterine lining. As a result, the menstrual cycle becomes lighter and shorter, producing scanty periods.

However, there are many other ways how stress can cause scanty periods. Let’s see a few of them. 

  • Hormonal imbalances: Stress has the potential to upset the delicate hormonal balance of progesterone and estrogen, resulting in irregular and short menstrual cycles.
  • Anovulation: Ovulation may not occur as a result of stress-related hormonal abnormalities, which can cause irregular or skipped periods.
  • HPA Axis dysfunction:The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) is the main stress response system. This is impacted by chronic stress which has an impact on how reproductive hormones are regulated. Thus dysfunction of HPA can result in scanty periods.
  • Thyroid function: Stress can decrease thyroid function. This causes irregular menstruation and lighter periods.
  • Cortisol release: Stress-related cortisol levels can disrupt the menstrual cycle, reducing the duration and flow of periods. 
  • Immune system impact: Chronic stress impairs the immune system, which may have an impact on the uterine lining and menstrual flow.
  • Prolactin Release: Stress can increase the production of prolactin. High prolactin level causes scanty periods.
  • Ovarian cysts: Hormonal imbalances caused by stress may lead to the formation of ovarian cysts, altering menstrual flow.
  • Reduced GnRH production: Stress can inhibit gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) production, influencing the release of reproductive hormones.
  • Inflammatory response: Stress causes an inflammatory reaction, which might have an effect on the uterus and menstrual cycle.
  • Delayed Follicle Maturation: Stress can cause ovarian follicles to take longer to mature, which might result in less estrogen being produced and scanty periods.
  • Endometrial Thinning: Chronic stress can cause the endometrial lining to thin, resulting in irregular and scanty periods.
  • Weight Fluctuations: Stress-induced weight gain or loss might affect hormone production and cause menstrual irregularities like scanty periods, heavy periods, and irregular periods.
  • Disrupted Ovarian Function: Stress can interfere with ovarian function, resulting in irregular ovulation and monthly abnormalities.
  • Reduced Blood Flow: Stress can constrict blood vessels, limiting blood flow to the uterus and resulting in lighter periods.
  • Emotional Stress: Extreme emotional stress has a direct impact on the hypothalamus and can alter the menstrual cycle.
  • Maladaptive Coping: Poor stress management techniques, like excessive drinking or drug usage, might affect hormonal harmony and menstrual regularity.
  • Excessive Exercise: Hormone production can be impacted by stress from overtraining or vigorous exercise, which might result in irregular periods.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Chronic stress can impair sleep, which in turn can mess with the menstrual cycle and result in lighter periods.

Now that we’ve understood how stress can contribute to irregular periods, it’s critical that we learn how to manage stress so that menstruation flow isn’t disrupted.

How to manage stress naturally?

 Managing stress naturally entails making lifestyle adjustments, using relaxation techniques, and cultivating a positive mindset. This involves adopting various strategies like

  • Eat right: Adopting healthy eating habits is good for both physical and mental health. Embrace living foods, water, and fiber-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, and plant-based foods. Avoid intake of sugar, coffee, and processed meals because these can raise your stress levels.
  • Mind free: In order to be present at the moment and reduce stress one can adopt mindfulness techniques. This journey into emotions, thoughts, and stress resilience begins with journaling, gratitude, and emotional practices. With epigenetic intelligence, our narrative shifts from stress to serenity, empowering our hormonal landscape.
  • Sleep better: Lack of quality sleep contributes to increased stress levels. Hence quality sleep is important to reduce stress levels. Discover the benefits of deep sleep as a healing and regenerating technique. We embrace epigenetic potential through the practice of YogNidra, uncovering hormonal balance in the dream world. Through this beautiful dance with the epigenetic clock, rejuvenate your entire existence.
  • SCANTY PERIODSMove more: Begin a journey of holistic lifestyle improvements in which keeping active is more than just exercise. Constant activity throughout the day promotes epigenetic expression and hormonal homeostasis. To unlock the power of epigenetic triggers, engage in joyful physical activities, dance, or simply meditative walks.
  • Time management: Anxiety, tension, and stress are frequently caused by a lack of adequate time. In this fast-paced world, it is critical to master time management skills. Setting realistic goals is advised to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
  • Positive attitude: Negative thoughts should be challenged and replaced with positive affirmations. A positive outlook can help you deal with stress more successfully.

Therefore by implementing the aforementioned techniques stress levels can be controlled, which will aid in preventing scanty periods.